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package {
default_applicable_licenses: ["Android-Apache-2.0"],
rust_ffi_static {
name: "libpvmfw",
crate_name: "pvmfw",
defaults: ["vmbase_ffi_defaults"],
srcs: ["src/"],
edition: "2021",
// Require unsafe blocks for inside unsafe functions.
flags: ["-Dunsafe_op_in_unsafe_fn"],
features: [
rustlibs: [
// Generates an empty file.
genrule {
name: "empty_file",
out: ["empty_file"],
cmd: "touch $(out)",
rust_test {
name: "libpvmfw.bootargs.test",
host_supported: true,
// For now, only is written to be conditionally compiled with std.
srcs: ["src/"],
test_suites: ["general-tests"],
test_options: {
unit_test: true,
rustlibs: [
cc_binary {
name: "pvmfw",
defaults: ["vmbase_elf_defaults"],
srcs: [
static_libs: [
linker_scripts: [
// `installable: false` is inherited from vmbase_elf_defaults, and that
// hides this module from Make, which makes it impossible for the Make world
// to place the unstripped binary to the symbols directory. Marking back as
// installable exposes this module to the Make world again. Note that this
// module (pvmfw) still is NOT installed to any of the filesystem images. It
// is fed into pvmfw_bin and then into pvmfw_img to become a standalone
// partition image. This is just to package the unstripped file into the
// symbols zip file for debugging purpose.
installable: true,
native_coverage: false,
raw_binary {
name: "pvmfw_bin",
stem: "pvmfw.bin",
src: ":pvmfw",
enabled: false,
target: {
android_arm64: {
enabled: true,
// Provide pvmfw.bin binary regardless of the architecture for building test.
// Note that skipping tests on unsupported device is easy
// while configuring server configuration to make such tests to run on working
// devices.
prebuilt_etc {
name: "pvmfw_test",
filename: "pvmfw_test.bin",
target: {
android_arm64: {
src: ":pvmfw_bin",
src: ":empty_file",
installable: false,
prebuilt_etc {
name: "pvmfw_embedded_key",
src: ":avb_testkey_rsa4096_pub_bin",
installable: false,
genrule {
name: "pvmfw_embedded_key_rs",
srcs: [":pvmfw_embedded_key"],
out: [""],
cmd: "(" +
" echo '#![no_std]';" +
" echo '#![allow(missing_docs)]';" +
" echo 'pub const PUBLIC_KEY: &[u8] = &[';" +
" xxd -i < $(in);" +
" echo '];';" +
") > $(out)",
rust_library_rlib {
name: "libpvmfw_embedded_key",
defaults: ["vmbase_ffi_defaults"],
prefer_rlib: true,
srcs: [":pvmfw_embedded_key_rs"],
crate_name: "pvmfw_embedded_key",
apex_available: [""],
prebuilt_etc {
name: "pvmfw_sign_key",
src: ":avb_testkey_rsa4096",
installable: false,
// platform.dts is passed to clang for macro preprocessing, and then compiled to dtbo using dtc.
// The raw content of the dtbo file is then written as a Rust byte array.
genrule {
name: "pvmfw_fdt_template_rs",
srcs: [
":arm_dt_bindings_headers", // implicit dependency
out: [""],
tools: ["dtc"],
cmd: "prebuilts/clang/host/linux-x86/clang-r487747c/bin/clang " + // UGLY!!!
"-E -P -x assembler-with-cpp -I external/arm-trusted-firmware/include " +
"-o $(genDir)/preprocessed.dts $(location platform.dts) && " +
"$(location dtc) -I dts -O dtb -o $(genDir)/compiled.dtbo $(genDir)/preprocessed.dts && " +
"(" +
" echo '#![no_std]';" +
" echo '#![allow(missing_docs)]';" +
" echo 'pub const RAW: &[u8] = &[';" +
" xxd -i < $(genDir)/compiled.dtbo;" +
" echo '];';" +
") > $(out)",
rust_library_rlib {
name: "libpvmfw_fdt_template",
defaults: ["vmbase_ffi_defaults"],
prefer_rlib: true,
srcs: [":pvmfw_fdt_template_rs"],
crate_name: "pvmfw_fdt_template",
bootimg {
name: "pvmfw_img",
stem: "pvmfw.img",
kernel_prebuilt: ":pvmfw_bin",
header_version: "3",
partition_name: "pvmfw",
enabled: false,
target: {
android_arm64: {
enabled: true,
use_avb: true,
avb_private_key: ":pvmfw_sign_key",