# proprietary_vendor_xiaomi_camera Prebuilt stock MIUI Camera to include in custom ROM builds. Extracted from lisa MIUI package (refer proprietary-files.txt for version). ### Supported devices * Xiaomi 11 Lite NE (lisa) ### How to use? 1. Clone this repo to `vendor/xiaomi/camera` 2. Inherit it from `device.mk` in device tree: ``` # Camera $(call inherit-product-if-exists, vendor/xiaomi/camera/miuicamera.mk) ``` 3. Set `ro.product.mod_device` according to stock, and `ro.miui.notch=1` if the device has a display cutout, for example: ``` PRODUCT_SYSTEM_PROPERTIES += \ ro.miui.notch=1 \ ro.product.mod_device=lisa ```