#!/bin/bash # PA build helper script # red = errors, cyan = warnings, green = confirmations, blue = informational # plain for generic text, bold for titles, reset flag at each end of line # plain blue should not be used for readability reasons - use plain cyan instead CLR_RST=$(tput sgr0) ## reset flag CLR_RED=$CLR_RST$(tput setaf 1) # red, plain CLR_GRN=$CLR_RST$(tput setaf 2) # green, plain CLR_BLU=$CLR_RST$(tput setaf 4) # blue, plain CLR_CYA=$CLR_RST$(tput setaf 6) # cyan, plain CLR_BLD=$(tput bold) ## bold flag CLR_BLD_RED=$CLR_RST$CLR_BLD$(tput setaf 1) # red, bold CLR_BLD_GRN=$CLR_RST$CLR_BLD$(tput setaf 2) # green, bold CLR_BLD_BLU=$CLR_RST$CLR_BLD$(tput setaf 4) # blue, bold CLR_BLD_CYA=$CLR_RST$CLR_BLD$(tput setaf 6) # cyan, bold # Nuke scrollback echo -e '\0033\0143' clear # Output usage help function showHelpAndExit { echo -e "${CLR_BLD_BLU}usage: $0 [options]${CLR_RST}" echo -e "" echo -e "${CLR_BLD_BLU}options:${CLR_RST}" echo -e "${CLR_BLD_BLU} -h, --help display this help message${CLR_RST}" echo -e "${CLR_BLD_BLU} -c, --clean wipe the tree before building${CLR_RST}" echo -e "${CLR_BLD_BLU} -u, --user build a user build for distribution${CLR_RST}" echo -e "${CLR_BLD_BLU} -s, --sync sync before building${CLR_RST}" exit 1 } # Make sure we are running on 64-bit before carrying on with anything ARCH=$(uname -m | sed 's/x86_//;s/i[3-6]86/32/') if [ "$ARCH" != "64" ]; then echo -e "${CLR_BLD_RED}error: unsupported arch (expected: 64, found: $ARCH)${CLR_RST}" exit 1 fi # Set up paths cd $(dirname $0) DIR_ROOT=$(pwd) DIR_OUT=$(readlink $DIR_ROOT/out) [ -z "$DIR_OUT" ] && DIR_OUT="$DIR_ROOT/out" # Make sure everything looks sane so far if [ ! -d "$DIR_ROOT/vendor/pa" ]; then echo -e "${CLR_BLD_RED}error: insane root directory ($DIR_ROOT)${CLR_RST}" exit 1 fi # Pick the default thread count (allow overrides from the environment) if [ -z "$THREADS" ]; then if [ "$(uname -s)" = 'Darwin' ]; then export THREADS=$(sysctl -n machdep.cpu.core_count) else export THREADS=$(cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep '^processor' | wc -l) fi fi # Pick the best JDK 8, if more than one is installed if [ "$(update-alternatives --list javac | wc -l)" -gt 1 ]; then JDK_PATH=$(dirname $(update-alternatives --list javac | grep '\-8\-') | tail -n1) JRE_PATH=$(dirname $JDK_PATH/../jre/bin/java) export PATH=$JDK_PATH:$JRE_PATH:$PATH fi # Grab the build version PA_VERSION=$(cat $DIR_ROOT/vendor/pa/main.mk | grep 'PA_VERSION := *' | sed 's/.*= //') # Grab all the command-line parameters export DEVICE=$1 shift if [ -z "$DEVICE" ]; then echo -e "${CLR_BLD_RED}error: no device specified${CLR_RST}" showHelpAndExit fi case $DEVICE in -h|--help|h|help) showHelpAndExit ;; esac while [[ "$#" > 0 ]]; do PARAM=$(echo ${1,,}) case $PARAM in -h|--help|h|help) showHelpAndExit ;; -c|--clean|c|clean) FLAG_CLEAN_BUILD=y ;; -u|--user|u|user) FLAG_USER_BUILD=y ;; -s|--sync|s|sync) FLAG_SYNC=y ;; *) echo -e "${CLR_CYA}warning: skipping unknown parameter: $1${CLR_RST}" ;; esac shift done # Prep for a clean build, if requested so if [ "$FLAG_CLEAN_BUILD" = 'y' ]; then echo -e "${CLR_BLD_BLU}Cleaning output files left from old builds${CLR_RST}" echo -e "" rm -rf ${DIR_ROOT}/out/target/product/$DEVICE fi # And sync up, if asked to if [ "$FLAG_SYNC" = 'y' ]; then echo -e "${CLR_BLD_BLU}Downloading the latest source files${CLR_RST}" echo -e "" repo sync -j"$THREADS" -c --no-clone-bundle fi # Mask Java, if it seems to be faulty if [ ! -r "$DIR_ROOT/out/versions_checked.mk" ] && [ -n "$(java -version 2>&1 | grep -i openjdk)" ]; then echo -e "${CLR_BLD_CYA}Your Java version has not been checked and is a candidate for failure. Masquerading.${CLR_RST}" echo -e "" JAVA_VERSION="java_version=$(javac -version 2>&1 | head -n1 | cut -f2 -d' ')" fi # Check the starting time (of the real build process) TIME_START=$(date +%s.%N) # Friendly logging to tell the user everything is working fine is always nice echo -e "${CLR_BLD_GRN}Building AOSPA $PA_VERSION for $DEVICE${CLR_RST}" echo -e "${CLR_GRN}Start time: $(date)${CLR_RST}" echo -e "" # Initializationizing! echo -e "${CLR_BLD_BLU}Setting up the environment${CLR_RST}" echo -e "" . build/envsetup.sh echo -e "" # Lunch-time! echo -e "${CLR_BLD_BLU}Lunching $DEVICE${CLR_RST} ${CLR_CYA}(Including dependencies sync)${CLR_RST}" echo -e "" if [ "$FLAG_USER_BUILD" = 'y' ]; then lunch "pa_$DEVICE-user" else lunch "pa_$DEVICE-userdebug" fi echo -e "" # Build away! RETVAL=0 echo -e "${CLR_BLD_BLU}Starting compilation${CLR_RST}" echo -e "" if [ "$FLAG_USER_BUILD" = 'y' ]; then mka dist else mka bacon fi RETVAL=$? echo -e "" # Check if the build failed if [ $RETVAL -ne 0 ]; then echo "${CLR_BLD_RED}Build failed!" echo -e "" fi # Check the finishing time TIME_END=$(date +%s.%N) # Log those times at the end as a fun fact of the day echo -e "${CLR_BLD_GRN}Total time elapsed:${CLR_RST} ${CLR_GRN}$(echo "($TIME_END - $TIME_START) / 60" | bc) minutes ($(echo "$TIME_END - $TIME_START" | bc) seconds)${CLR_RST}" echo -e "" exit $RETVAL