197 lines
3.2 KiB
Protocol Buffer
197 lines
3.2 KiB
Protocol Buffer
syntax = "proto3";
option java_package = "com.android.server.os";
option java_outer_classname = "TombstoneProtos";
// If you add custom fields to this proto, do not use numbers in the reserved range.
message Tombstone {
Architecture arch = 1;
string build_fingerprint = 2;
string revision = 3;
string timestamp = 4;
uint32 pid = 5;
uint32 tid = 6;
uint32 uid = 7;
string selinux_label = 8;
repeated string command_line = 9;
// Process uptime in seconds.
uint32 process_uptime = 20;
Signal signal_info = 10;
string abort_message = 14;
repeated Cause causes = 15;
map<uint32, Thread> threads = 16;
repeated MemoryMapping memory_mappings = 17;
repeated LogBuffer log_buffers = 18;
repeated FD open_fds = 19;
reserved 21 to 999;
enum Architecture {
ARM32 = 0;
ARM64 = 1;
X86 = 2;
X86_64 = 3;
reserved 4 to 999;
message Signal {
int32 number = 1;
string name = 2;
int32 code = 3;
string code_name = 4;
bool has_sender = 5;
int32 sender_uid = 6;
int32 sender_pid = 7;
bool has_fault_address = 8;
uint64 fault_address = 9;
reserved 10 to 999;
message HeapObject {
uint64 address = 1;
uint64 size = 2;
uint64 allocation_tid = 3;
repeated BacktraceFrame allocation_backtrace = 4;
uint64 deallocation_tid = 5;
repeated BacktraceFrame deallocation_backtrace = 6;
message MemoryError {
enum Tool {
SCUDO = 1;
reserved 2 to 999;
Tool tool = 1;
enum Type {
reserved 6 to 999;
Type type = 2;
oneof location {
HeapObject heap = 3;
reserved 4 to 999;
message Cause {
string human_readable = 1;
oneof details {
MemoryError memory_error = 2;
reserved 3 to 999;
message Register {
string name = 1;
uint64 u64 = 2;
reserved 3 to 999;
message Thread {
int32 id = 1;
string name = 2;
repeated Register registers = 3;
repeated string backtrace_note = 7;
repeated BacktraceFrame current_backtrace = 4;
repeated MemoryDump memory_dump = 5;
int64 tagged_addr_ctrl = 6;
reserved 8 to 999;
message BacktraceFrame {
uint64 rel_pc = 1;
uint64 pc = 2;
uint64 sp = 3;
string function_name = 4;
uint64 function_offset = 5;
string file_name = 6;
uint64 file_map_offset = 7;
string build_id = 8;
reserved 9 to 999;
message MemoryDump {
string register_name = 1;
string mapping_name = 2;
uint64 begin_address = 3;
bytes memory = 4;
bytes tags = 5;
reserved 6 to 999;
message MemoryMapping {
uint64 begin_address = 1;
uint64 end_address = 2;
uint64 offset = 3;
bool read = 4;
bool write = 5;
bool execute = 6;
string mapping_name = 7;
string build_id = 8;
uint64 load_bias = 9;
reserved 10 to 999;
message FD {
int32 fd = 1;
string path = 2;
string owner = 3;
uint64 tag = 4;
reserved 5 to 999;
message LogBuffer {
string name = 1;
repeated LogMessage logs = 2;
reserved 3 to 999;
message LogMessage {
string timestamp = 1;
uint32 pid = 2;
uint32 tid = 3;
uint32 priority = 4;
string tag = 5;
string message = 6;
reserved 7 to 999;