
530 lines
20 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "snapuserd.h"
#include <csignal>
#include <optional>
#include <set>
#include <libsnapshot/snapuserd_client.h>
namespace android {
namespace snapshot {
using namespace android;
using namespace android::dm;
using android::base::unique_fd;
#define SNAP_LOG(level) LOG(level) << misc_name_ << ": "
#define SNAP_PLOG(level) PLOG(level) << misc_name_ << ": "
Snapuserd::Snapuserd(const std::string& misc_name, const std::string& cow_device,
const std::string& backing_device) {
misc_name_ = misc_name;
cow_device_ = cow_device;
backing_store_device_ = backing_device;
control_device_ = "/dev/dm-user/" + misc_name;
bool Snapuserd::InitializeWorkers() {
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS_PER_PARTITION; i++) {
std::unique_ptr<WorkerThread> wt = std::make_unique<WorkerThread>(
cow_device_, backing_store_device_, control_device_, misc_name_, GetSharedPtr());
return true;
bool Snapuserd::CommitMerge(int num_merge_ops) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(lock_);
CowHeader header;
header.num_merge_ops += num_merge_ops;
if (!writer_->CommitMerge(num_merge_ops)) {
SNAP_LOG(ERROR) << "CommitMerge failed... merged_ops_cur_iter: " << num_merge_ops
<< " Total-merged-ops: " << header.num_merge_ops;
return false;
merge_initiated_ = true;
return true;
bool Snapuserd::IsChunkIdMetadata(chunk_t chunk) {
uint32_t stride = exceptions_per_area_ + 1;
lldiv_t divresult = lldiv(chunk, stride);
return (divresult.rem == NUM_SNAPSHOT_HDR_CHUNKS);
// Find the next free chunk-id to be assigned. Check if the next free
// chunk-id represents a metadata page. If so, skip it.
chunk_t Snapuserd::GetNextAllocatableChunkId(chunk_t chunk) {
chunk_t next_chunk = chunk + 1;
if (IsChunkIdMetadata(next_chunk)) {
next_chunk += 1;
return next_chunk;
void Snapuserd::CheckMergeCompletionStatus() {
if (!merge_initiated_) {
SNAP_LOG(INFO) << "Merge was not initiated. Total-data-ops: " << reader_->total_data_ops();
CowHeader header;
SNAP_LOG(INFO) << "Merge-status: Total-Merged-ops: " << header.num_merge_ops
<< " Total-data-ops: " << reader_->total_data_ops();
* Read the metadata from COW device and
* construct the metadata as required by the kernel.
* Please see design on kernel COW format
* 1: Read the metadata from internal COW device
* 2: There are 3 COW operations:
* a: Replace op
* b: Copy op
* c: Zero op
* 3: For each of the 3 operations, op->new_block
* represents the block number in the base device
* for which one of the 3 operations have to be applied.
* This represents the old_chunk in the kernel COW format
* 4: We need to assign new_chunk for a corresponding old_chunk
* 5: The algorithm is similar to how kernel assigns chunk number
* while creating exceptions. However, there are few cases
* which needs to be addressed here:
* a: During merge process, kernel scans the metadata page
* from backwards when merge is initiated. Since, we need
* to make sure that the merge ordering follows our COW format,
* we read the COW operation from backwards and populate the
* metadata so that when kernel starts the merging from backwards,
* those ops correspond to the beginning of our COW format.
* b: Kernel can merge successive operations if the two chunk IDs
* are contiguous. This can be problematic when there is a crash
* during merge; specifically when the merge operation has dependency.
* These dependencies can only happen during copy operations.
* To avoid this problem, we make sure overlap copy operations
* are not batch merged.
* 6: Use a monotonically increasing chunk number to assign the
* new_chunk
* 7: Each chunk-id represents either
* a: Metadata page or
* b: Data page
* 8: Chunk-id representing a data page is stored in a map.
* 9: Chunk-id representing a metadata page is converted into a vector
* index. We store this in vector as kernel requests metadata during
* two stage:
* a: When initial dm-snapshot device is created, kernel requests
* all the metadata and stores it in its internal data-structures.
* b: During merge, kernel once again requests the same metadata
* once-again.
* In both these cases, a quick lookup based on chunk-id is done.
* 10: When chunk number is incremented, we need to make sure that
* if the chunk is representing a metadata page and skip.
* 11: Each 4k page will contain 256 disk exceptions. We call this
* exceptions_per_area_
* 12: Kernel will stop issuing metadata IO request when new-chunk ID is 0.
bool Snapuserd::ReadMetadata() {
reader_ = std::make_unique<CowReader>();
CowHeader header;
CowOptions options;
bool metadata_found = false;
int replace_ops = 0, zero_ops = 0, copy_ops = 0;
SNAP_LOG(DEBUG) << "ReadMetadata: Parsing cow file";
if (!reader_->Parse(cow_fd_)) {
SNAP_LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to parse";
return false;
if (!reader_->GetHeader(&header)) {
SNAP_LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get header";
return false;
CHECK(header.block_size == BLOCK_SZ);
SNAP_LOG(DEBUG) << "Merge-ops: " << header.num_merge_ops;
writer_ = std::make_unique<CowWriter>(options);
writer_->InitializeMerge(cow_fd_.get(), &header);
// Initialize the iterator for reading metadata
cowop_riter_ = reader_->GetRevOpIter();
exceptions_per_area_ = (CHUNK_SIZE << SECTOR_SHIFT) / sizeof(struct disk_exception);
// Start from chunk number 2. Chunk 0 represents header and chunk 1
// represents first metadata page.
chunk_t data_chunk_id = NUM_SNAPSHOT_HDR_CHUNKS + 1;
size_t num_ops = 0;
loff_t offset = 0;
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> de_ptr =
std::make_unique<uint8_t[]>(exceptions_per_area_ * sizeof(struct disk_exception));
// This memset is important. Kernel will stop issuing IO when new-chunk ID
// is 0. When Area is not filled completely with all 256 exceptions,
// this memset will ensure that metadata read is completed.
memset(de_ptr.get(), 0, (exceptions_per_area_ * sizeof(struct disk_exception)));
while (!cowop_riter_->Done()) {
const CowOperation* cow_op = &cowop_riter_->Get();
struct disk_exception* de =
reinterpret_cast<struct disk_exception*>((char*)de_ptr.get() + offset);
if (IsMetadataOp(*cow_op)) {
metadata_found = true;
// This loop will handle all the replace and zero ops.
// We will handle the copy ops later as it requires special
// handling of assigning chunk-id's. Furthermore, we make
// sure that replace/zero and copy ops are not batch merged; hence,
// the bump in the chunk_id before break of this loop
if (cow_op->type == kCowCopyOp) {
data_chunk_id = GetNextAllocatableChunkId(data_chunk_id);
if (cow_op->type == kCowReplaceOp) {
} else if (cow_op->type == kCowZeroOp) {
// Construct the disk-exception
de->old_chunk = cow_op->new_block;
de->new_chunk = data_chunk_id;
// Store operation pointer.
chunk_vec_.push_back(std::make_pair(ChunkToSector(data_chunk_id), cow_op));
num_ops += 1;
offset += sizeof(struct disk_exception);
SNAP_LOG(DEBUG) << num_ops << ":"
<< " Old-chunk: " << de->old_chunk << " New-chunk: " << de->new_chunk;
if (num_ops == exceptions_per_area_) {
// Store it in vector at the right index. This maps the chunk-id to
// vector index.
offset = 0;
num_ops = 0;
// Create buffer for next area
de_ptr = std::make_unique<uint8_t[]>(exceptions_per_area_ *
sizeof(struct disk_exception));
memset(de_ptr.get(), 0, (exceptions_per_area_ * sizeof(struct disk_exception)));
if (cowop_riter_->Done()) {
data_chunk_id = GetNextAllocatableChunkId(data_chunk_id);
std::optional<chunk_t> prev_id = {};
std::map<uint64_t, const CowOperation*> map;
std::set<uint64_t> dest_blocks;
size_t pending_copy_ops = exceptions_per_area_ - num_ops;
SNAP_LOG(INFO) << " Processing copy-ops at Area: " << vec_.size()
<< " Number of replace/zero ops completed in this area: " << num_ops
<< " Pending copy ops for this area: " << pending_copy_ops;
while (!cowop_riter_->Done()) {
do {
const CowOperation* cow_op = &cowop_riter_->Get();
if (IsMetadataOp(*cow_op)) {
// We have two cases specific cases:
// =====================================================
// Case 1: Overlapping copy regions
// Ex:
// Source -> Destination
// 1: 15 -> 18
// 2: 16 -> 19
// 3: 17 -> 20
// 4: 18 -> 21
// 5: 19 -> 22
// 6: 20 -> 23
// We have 6 copy operations to be executed in OTA and there is a overlap. Update-engine
// will write to COW file as follows:
// Op-1: 20 -> 23
// Op-2: 19 -> 22
// Op-3: 18 -> 21
// Op-4: 17 -> 20
// Op-5: 16 -> 19
// Op-6: 15 -> 18
// Note that the blocks numbers are contiguous. Hence, all 6 copy
// operations can potentially be batch merged. However, that will be
// problematic if we have a crash as block 20, 19, 18 would have
// been overwritten and hence subsequent recovery may end up with
// a silent data corruption when op-1, op-2 and op-3 are
// re-executed.
// We will split these 6 operations into two batches viz:
// Batch-1:
// ===================
// Op-1: 20 -> 23
// Op-2: 19 -> 22
// Op-3: 18 -> 21
// ===================
// Batch-2:
// ==================
// Op-4: 17 -> 20
// Op-5: 16 -> 19
// Op-6: 15 -> 18
// ==================
// Now, merge sequence will look like:
// 1: Merge Batch-1 { op-1, op-2, op-3 }
// 2: Update Metadata in COW File that op-1, op-2, op-3 merge is
// done.
// 3: Merge Batch-2
// 4: Update Metadata in COW File that op-4, op-5, op-6 merge is
// done.
// Note, that the order of block operations are still the same.
// However, we have two batch merge operations. Any crash between
// either of this sequence should be safe as each of these
// batches are self-contained.
// Case 2:
// Let's say we have three copy operations written to COW file
// in the following order:
// op-1: 15 -> 18
// op-2: 16 -> 19
// op-3: 17 -> 20
// As aforementioned, kernel will initiate merge in reverse order.
// Hence, we will read these ops in reverse order so that all these
// ops are exectued in the same order as requested. Thus, we will
// read the metadata in reverse order and for the kernel it will
// look like:
// op-3: 17 -> 20
// op-2: 16 -> 19
// op-1: 15 -> 18 <-- Merge starts here in the kernel
// Now, this is problematic as kernel cannot batch merge them.
// Merge sequence will look like:
// Merge-1: op-1: 15 -> 18
// Merge-2: op-2: 16 -> 19
// Merge-3: op-3: 17 -> 20
// We have three merge operations.
// Even though the blocks are contiguous, kernel can batch merge
// them if the blocks are in descending order. Update engine
// addresses this issue partially for overlapping operations as
// we see that op-1 to op-3 and op-4 to op-6 operatiosn are in
// descending order. However, if the copy operations are not
// overlapping, update engine cannot write these blocks
// in descending order. Hence, we will try to address it.
// Thus, we will send these blocks to the kernel and it will
// look like:
// op-3: 15 -> 18
// op-2: 16 -> 19
// op-1: 17 -> 20 <-- Merge starts here in the kernel
// Now with this change, we can batch merge all these three
// operations. Merge sequence will look like:
// Merge-1: {op-1: 17 -> 20, op-2: 16 -> 19, op-3: 15 -> 18}
// Note that we have changed the ordering of merge; However, this
// is ok as each of these copy operations are independent and there
// is no overlap.
if (prev_id.has_value()) {
chunk_t diff = (cow_op->new_block > prev_id.value())
? (cow_op->new_block - prev_id.value())
: (prev_id.value() - cow_op->new_block);
if (diff != 1) {
if (dest_blocks.count(cow_op->new_block) || map.count(cow_op->source) > 0) {
metadata_found = true;
pending_copy_ops -= 1;
map[cow_op->new_block] = cow_op;
prev_id = cow_op->new_block;
} while (!cowop_riter_->Done() && pending_copy_ops);
data_chunk_id = GetNextAllocatableChunkId(data_chunk_id);
SNAP_LOG(DEBUG) << "Batch Merge copy-ops of size: " << map.size()
<< " Area: " << vec_.size() << " Area offset: " << offset
<< " Pending-copy-ops in this area: " << pending_copy_ops;
for (auto it = map.begin(); it != map.end(); it++) {
struct disk_exception* de =
reinterpret_cast<struct disk_exception*>((char*)de_ptr.get() + offset);
de->old_chunk = it->first;
de->new_chunk = data_chunk_id;
// Store operation pointer.
chunk_vec_.push_back(std::make_pair(ChunkToSector(data_chunk_id), it->second));
offset += sizeof(struct disk_exception);
num_ops += 1;
SNAP_LOG(DEBUG) << num_ops << ":"
<< " Copy-op: "
<< " Old-chunk: " << de->old_chunk << " New-chunk: " << de->new_chunk;
if (num_ops == exceptions_per_area_) {
// Store it in vector at the right index. This maps the chunk-id to
// vector index.
num_ops = 0;
offset = 0;
// Create buffer for next area
de_ptr = std::make_unique<uint8_t[]>(exceptions_per_area_ *
sizeof(struct disk_exception));
memset(de_ptr.get(), 0, (exceptions_per_area_ * sizeof(struct disk_exception)));
if (cowop_riter_->Done()) {
SNAP_LOG(DEBUG) << "ReadMetadata() completed; Number of Areas: " << vec_.size();
CHECK(pending_copy_ops == 0);
pending_copy_ops = exceptions_per_area_;
data_chunk_id = GetNextAllocatableChunkId(data_chunk_id);
// Partially filled area or there is no metadata
// If there is no metadata, fill with zero so that kernel
// is aware that merge is completed.
if (num_ops || !metadata_found) {
SNAP_LOG(DEBUG) << "ReadMetadata() completed. Partially filled area num_ops: " << num_ops
<< "Areas : " << vec_.size();
// Sort the vector based on sectors as we need this during un-aligned access
std::sort(chunk_vec_.begin(), chunk_vec_.end(), compare);
SNAP_LOG(INFO) << "ReadMetadata completed. Final-chunk-id: " << data_chunk_id
<< " Num Sector: " << ChunkToSector(data_chunk_id)
<< " Replace-ops: " << replace_ops << " Zero-ops: " << zero_ops
<< " Copy-ops: " << copy_ops << " Areas: " << vec_.size()
<< " Num-ops-merged: " << header.num_merge_ops
<< " Total-data-ops: " << reader_->total_data_ops();
// Total number of sectors required for creating dm-user device
num_sectors_ = ChunkToSector(data_chunk_id);
merge_initiated_ = false;
return true;
void MyLogger(android::base::LogId, android::base::LogSeverity severity, const char*, const char*,
unsigned int, const char* message) {
if (severity == android::base::ERROR) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", message);
} else {
fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", message);
bool Snapuserd::InitCowDevice() {
cow_fd_.reset(open(cow_device_.c_str(), O_RDWR));
if (cow_fd_ < 0) {
SNAP_PLOG(ERROR) << "Open Failed: " << cow_device_;
return false;
return ReadMetadata();
* Entry point to launch worker threads
bool Snapuserd::Start() {
std::vector<std::future<bool>> threads;
for (int i = 0; i < worker_threads_.size(); i++) {
std::async(std::launch::async, &WorkerThread::RunThread, worker_threads_[i].get()));
bool ret = true;
for (auto& t : threads) {
ret = t.get() && ret;
return ret;
} // namespace snapshot
} // namespace android