
439 lines
16 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "commands.h"
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/un.h>
#include <android-base/logging.h>
#include <android-base/parseint.h>
#include <android-base/properties.h>
#include <android-base/stringprintf.h>
#include <android-base/strings.h>
#include <android-base/unique_fd.h>
#include <cutils/android_reboot.h>
#include <ext4_utils/wipe.h>
#include <liblp/builder.h>
#include <liblp/liblp.h>
#include <uuid/uuid.h>
#include "constants.h"
#include "fastboot_device.h"
#include "flashing.h"
#include "utility.h"
using ::android::hardware::hidl_string;
using ::android::hardware::boot::V1_0::BoolResult;
using ::android::hardware::boot::V1_0::CommandResult;
using ::android::hardware::boot::V1_0::Slot;
using ::android::hardware::fastboot::V1_0::Result;
using ::android::hardware::fastboot::V1_0::Status;
using namespace android::fs_mgr;
struct VariableHandlers {
// Callback to retrieve the value of a single variable.
std::function<bool(FastbootDevice*, const std::vector<std::string>&, std::string*)> get;
// Callback to retrieve all possible argument combinations, for getvar all.
std::function<std::vector<std::vector<std::string>>(FastbootDevice*)> get_all_args;
static void GetAllVars(FastbootDevice* device, const std::string& name,
const VariableHandlers& handlers) {
if (!handlers.get_all_args) {
std::string message;
if (!handlers.get(device, std::vector<std::string>(), &message)) {
device->WriteInfo(android::base::StringPrintf("%s:%s", name.c_str(), message.c_str()));
auto all_args = handlers.get_all_args(device);
for (const auto& args : all_args) {
std::string message;
if (!handlers.get(device, args, &message)) {
std::string arg_string = android::base::Join(args, ":");
device->WriteInfo(android::base::StringPrintf("%s:%s:%s", name.c_str(), arg_string.c_str(),
bool GetVarHandler(FastbootDevice* device, const std::vector<std::string>& args) {
const std::unordered_map<std::string, VariableHandlers> kVariableMap = {
{FB_VAR_VERSION, {GetVersion, nullptr}},
{FB_VAR_VERSION_BOOTLOADER, {GetBootloaderVersion, nullptr}},
{FB_VAR_VERSION_BASEBAND, {GetBasebandVersion, nullptr}},
{FB_VAR_PRODUCT, {GetProduct, nullptr}},
{FB_VAR_SERIALNO, {GetSerial, nullptr}},
{FB_VAR_VARIANT, {GetVariant, nullptr}},
{FB_VAR_SECURE, {GetSecure, nullptr}},
{FB_VAR_UNLOCKED, {GetUnlocked, nullptr}},
{FB_VAR_MAX_DOWNLOAD_SIZE, {GetMaxDownloadSize, nullptr}},
{FB_VAR_CURRENT_SLOT, {::GetCurrentSlot, nullptr}},
{FB_VAR_SLOT_COUNT, {GetSlotCount, nullptr}},
{FB_VAR_HAS_SLOT, {GetHasSlot, GetAllPartitionArgsNoSlot}},
{FB_VAR_SLOT_SUCCESSFUL, {GetSlotSuccessful, nullptr}},
{FB_VAR_SLOT_UNBOOTABLE, {GetSlotUnbootable, nullptr}},
{FB_VAR_PARTITION_SIZE, {GetPartitionSize, GetAllPartitionArgsWithSlot}},
{FB_VAR_PARTITION_TYPE, {GetPartitionType, GetAllPartitionArgsWithSlot}},
{FB_VAR_IS_LOGICAL, {GetPartitionIsLogical, GetAllPartitionArgsWithSlot}},
{FB_VAR_IS_USERSPACE, {GetIsUserspace, nullptr}},
{FB_VAR_HW_REVISION, {GetHardwareRevision, nullptr}}};
if (args.size() < 2) {
return device->WriteFail("Missing argument");
// Special case: return all variables that we can.
if (args[1] == "all") {
for (const auto& [name, handlers] : kVariableMap) {
GetAllVars(device, name, handlers);
return device->WriteOkay("");
// args[0] is command name, args[1] is variable.
auto found_variable = kVariableMap.find(args[1]);
if (found_variable == kVariableMap.end()) {
return device->WriteFail("Unknown variable");
std::string message;
std::vector<std::string> getvar_args(args.begin() + 2, args.end());
if (!found_variable->second.get(device, getvar_args, &message)) {
return device->WriteFail(message);
return device->WriteOkay(message);
bool EraseHandler(FastbootDevice* device, const std::vector<std::string>& args) {
if (args.size() < 2) {
return device->WriteStatus(FastbootResult::FAIL, "Invalid arguments");
PartitionHandle handle;
if (!OpenPartition(device, args[1], &handle)) {
return device->WriteStatus(FastbootResult::FAIL, "Partition doesn't exist");
if (wipe_block_device(handle.fd(), get_block_device_size(handle.fd())) == 0) {
return device->WriteStatus(FastbootResult::OKAY, "Erasing succeeded");
return device->WriteStatus(FastbootResult::FAIL, "Erasing failed");
bool OemCmdHandler(FastbootDevice* device, const std::vector<std::string>& args) {
auto fastboot_hal = device->fastboot_hal();
if (!fastboot_hal) {
return device->WriteStatus(FastbootResult::FAIL, "Unable to open fastboot HAL");
Result ret;
auto ret_val = fastboot_hal->doOemCommand(args[0], [&](Result result) { ret = result; });
if (!ret_val.isOk()) {
return device->WriteStatus(FastbootResult::FAIL, "Unable to do OEM command");
if (ret.status != Status::SUCCESS) {
return device->WriteStatus(FastbootResult::FAIL, ret.message);
return device->WriteStatus(FastbootResult::OKAY, ret.message);
bool DownloadHandler(FastbootDevice* device, const std::vector<std::string>& args) {
if (args.size() < 2) {
return device->WriteStatus(FastbootResult::FAIL, "size argument unspecified");
// arg[0] is the command name, arg[1] contains size of data to be downloaded
unsigned int size;
if (!android::base::ParseUint("0x" + args[1], &size, UINT_MAX)) {
return device->WriteStatus(FastbootResult::FAIL, "Invalid size");
if (!device->WriteStatus(FastbootResult::DATA, android::base::StringPrintf("%08x", size))) {
return false;
if (device->HandleData(true, &device->download_data())) {
return device->WriteStatus(FastbootResult::OKAY, "");
PLOG(ERROR) << "Couldn't download data";
return device->WriteStatus(FastbootResult::FAIL, "Couldn't download data");
bool FlashHandler(FastbootDevice* device, const std::vector<std::string>& args) {
if (args.size() < 2) {
return device->WriteStatus(FastbootResult::FAIL, "Invalid arguments");
if (GetDeviceLockStatus()) {
return device->WriteStatus(FastbootResult::FAIL,
"Flashing is not allowed on locked devices");
int ret = Flash(device, args[1]);
if (ret < 0) {
return device->WriteStatus(FastbootResult::FAIL, strerror(-ret));
return device->WriteStatus(FastbootResult::OKAY, "Flashing succeeded");
bool SetActiveHandler(FastbootDevice* device, const std::vector<std::string>& args) {
if (args.size() < 2) {
return device->WriteStatus(FastbootResult::FAIL, "Missing slot argument");
// Slot suffix needs to be between 'a' and 'z'.
Slot slot;
if (!GetSlotNumber(args[1], &slot)) {
return device->WriteStatus(FastbootResult::FAIL, "Bad slot suffix");
// Non-A/B devices will not have a boot control HAL.
auto boot_control_hal = device->boot_control_hal();
if (!boot_control_hal) {
return device->WriteStatus(FastbootResult::FAIL,
"Cannot set slot: boot control HAL absent");
if (slot >= boot_control_hal->getNumberSlots()) {
return device->WriteStatus(FastbootResult::FAIL, "Slot out of range");
CommandResult ret;
auto cb = [&ret](CommandResult result) { ret = result; };
auto result = boot_control_hal->setActiveBootSlot(slot, cb);
if (result.isOk() && ret.success) return device->WriteStatus(FastbootResult::OKAY, "");
return device->WriteStatus(FastbootResult::FAIL, "Unable to set slot");
bool ShutDownHandler(FastbootDevice* device, const std::vector<std::string>& /* args */) {
auto result = device->WriteStatus(FastbootResult::OKAY, "Shutting down");
android::base::SetProperty(ANDROID_RB_PROPERTY, "shutdown,fastboot");
return result;
bool RebootHandler(FastbootDevice* device, const std::vector<std::string>& /* args */) {
auto result = device->WriteStatus(FastbootResult::OKAY, "Rebooting");
android::base::SetProperty(ANDROID_RB_PROPERTY, "reboot,from_fastboot");
return result;
bool RebootBootloaderHandler(FastbootDevice* device, const std::vector<std::string>& /* args */) {
auto result = device->WriteStatus(FastbootResult::OKAY, "Rebooting bootloader");
android::base::SetProperty(ANDROID_RB_PROPERTY, "reboot,bootloader");
return result;
bool RebootFastbootHandler(FastbootDevice* device, const std::vector<std::string>& /* args */) {
auto result = device->WriteStatus(FastbootResult::OKAY, "Rebooting fastboot");
android::base::SetProperty(ANDROID_RB_PROPERTY, "reboot,fastboot");
return result;
static bool EnterRecovery() {
const char msg_switch_to_recovery = 'r';
android::base::unique_fd sock(socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0));
if (sock < 0) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Couldn't create sock";
return false;
struct sockaddr_un addr = {.sun_family = AF_UNIX};
strncpy(addr.sun_path, "/dev/socket/recovery", sizeof(addr.sun_path) - 1);
if (connect(sock, (struct sockaddr*)&addr, sizeof(addr)) < 0) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Couldn't connect to recovery";
return false;
// Switch to recovery will not update the boot reason since it does not
// require a reboot.
auto ret = write(sock, &msg_switch_to_recovery, sizeof(msg_switch_to_recovery));
if (ret != sizeof(msg_switch_to_recovery)) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Couldn't write message to switch to recovery";
return false;
return true;
bool RebootRecoveryHandler(FastbootDevice* device, const std::vector<std::string>& /* args */) {
auto status = true;
if (EnterRecovery()) {
status = device->WriteStatus(FastbootResult::OKAY, "Rebooting to recovery");
} else {
status = device->WriteStatus(FastbootResult::FAIL, "Unable to reboot to recovery");
return status;
// Helper class for opening a handle to a MetadataBuilder and writing the new
// partition table to the same place it was read.
class PartitionBuilder {
explicit PartitionBuilder(FastbootDevice* device);
bool Write();
bool Valid() const { return !!builder_; }
MetadataBuilder* operator->() const { return builder_.get(); }
std::string super_device_;
uint32_t slot_number_;
std::unique_ptr<MetadataBuilder> builder_;
PartitionBuilder::PartitionBuilder(FastbootDevice* device) {
auto super_device = FindPhysicalPartition(LP_METADATA_PARTITION_NAME);
if (!super_device) {
super_device_ = *super_device;
std::string slot = device->GetCurrentSlot();
slot_number_ = SlotNumberForSlotSuffix(slot);
builder_ = MetadataBuilder::New(super_device_, slot_number_);
bool PartitionBuilder::Write() {
std::unique_ptr<LpMetadata> metadata = builder_->Export();
if (!metadata) {
return false;
return UpdatePartitionTable(super_device_, *metadata.get(), slot_number_);
bool CreatePartitionHandler(FastbootDevice* device, const std::vector<std::string>& args) {
if (args.size() < 3) {
return device->WriteFail("Invalid partition name and size");
if (GetDeviceLockStatus()) {
return device->WriteStatus(FastbootResult::FAIL, "Command not available on locked devices");
uint64_t partition_size;
std::string partition_name = args[1];
if (!android::base::ParseUint(args[2].c_str(), &partition_size)) {
return device->WriteFail("Invalid partition size");
PartitionBuilder builder(device);
if (!builder.Valid()) {
return device->WriteFail("Could not open super partition");
// TODO(112433293) Disallow if the name is in the physical table as well.
if (builder->FindPartition(partition_name)) {
return device->WriteFail("Partition already exists");
// Make a random UUID, since they're not currently used.
uuid_t uuid;
char uuid_str[37];
uuid_unparse(uuid, uuid_str);
Partition* partition = builder->AddPartition(partition_name, uuid_str, 0);
if (!partition) {
return device->WriteFail("Failed to add partition");
if (!builder->ResizePartition(partition, partition_size)) {
return device->WriteFail("Not enough space for partition");
if (!builder.Write()) {
return device->WriteFail("Failed to write partition table");
return device->WriteOkay("Partition created");
bool DeletePartitionHandler(FastbootDevice* device, const std::vector<std::string>& args) {
if (args.size() < 2) {
return device->WriteFail("Invalid partition name and size");
if (GetDeviceLockStatus()) {
return device->WriteStatus(FastbootResult::FAIL, "Command not available on locked devices");
PartitionBuilder builder(device);
if (!builder.Valid()) {
return device->WriteFail("Could not open super partition");
if (!builder.Write()) {
return device->WriteFail("Failed to write partition table");
return device->WriteOkay("Partition deleted");
bool ResizePartitionHandler(FastbootDevice* device, const std::vector<std::string>& args) {
if (args.size() < 3) {
return device->WriteFail("Invalid partition name and size");
if (GetDeviceLockStatus()) {
return device->WriteStatus(FastbootResult::FAIL, "Command not available on locked devices");
uint64_t partition_size;
std::string partition_name = args[1];
if (!android::base::ParseUint(args[2].c_str(), &partition_size)) {
return device->WriteFail("Invalid partition size");
PartitionBuilder builder(device);
if (!builder.Valid()) {
return device->WriteFail("Could not open super partition");
Partition* partition = builder->FindPartition(partition_name);
if (!partition) {
return device->WriteFail("Partition does not exist");
if (!builder->ResizePartition(partition, partition_size)) {
return device->WriteFail("Not enough space to resize partition");
if (!builder.Write()) {
return device->WriteFail("Failed to write partition table");
return device->WriteOkay("Partition resized");
bool UpdateSuperHandler(FastbootDevice* device, const std::vector<std::string>& args) {
if (args.size() < 2) {
return device->WriteFail("Invalid arguments");
if (GetDeviceLockStatus()) {
return device->WriteStatus(FastbootResult::FAIL, "Command not available on locked devices");
bool wipe = (args.size() >= 3 && args[2] == "wipe");
return UpdateSuper(device, args[1], wipe);