/* * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "subcontext.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "action.h" #include "builtins.h" #include "mount_namespace.h" #include "proto_utils.h" #include "util.h" #ifdef INIT_FULL_SOURCES #include #include "property_service.h" #include "selabel.h" #include "selinux.h" #else #include "host_init_stubs.h" #endif using android::base::GetExecutablePath; using android::base::GetProperty; using android::base::Join; using android::base::Socketpair; using android::base::Split; using android::base::StartsWith; using android::base::unique_fd; namespace android { namespace init { namespace { std::string shutdown_command; static bool subcontext_terminated_by_shutdown; static std::unique_ptr subcontext; class SubcontextProcess { public: SubcontextProcess(const BuiltinFunctionMap* function_map, std::string context, int init_fd) : function_map_(function_map), context_(std::move(context)), init_fd_(init_fd){}; void MainLoop(); private: void RunCommand(const SubcontextCommand::ExecuteCommand& execute_command, SubcontextReply* reply) const; void ExpandArgs(const SubcontextCommand::ExpandArgsCommand& expand_args_command, SubcontextReply* reply) const; const BuiltinFunctionMap* function_map_; const std::string context_; const int init_fd_; }; void SubcontextProcess::RunCommand(const SubcontextCommand::ExecuteCommand& execute_command, SubcontextReply* reply) const { // Need to use ArraySplice instead of this code. auto args = std::vector(); for (const auto& string : execute_command.args()) { args.emplace_back(string); } auto map_result = function_map_->Find(args); Result result; if (!map_result.ok()) { result = Error() << "Cannot find command: " << map_result.error(); } else { result = RunBuiltinFunction(map_result->function, args, context_); } if (result.ok()) { reply->set_success(true); } else { auto* failure = reply->mutable_failure(); failure->set_error_string(result.error().message()); failure->set_error_errno(result.error().code()); } } void SubcontextProcess::ExpandArgs(const SubcontextCommand::ExpandArgsCommand& expand_args_command, SubcontextReply* reply) const { for (const auto& arg : expand_args_command.args()) { auto expanded_arg = ExpandProps(arg); if (!expanded_arg.ok()) { auto* failure = reply->mutable_failure(); failure->set_error_string(expanded_arg.error().message()); failure->set_error_errno(0); return; } else { auto* expand_args_reply = reply->mutable_expand_args_reply(); expand_args_reply->add_expanded_args(*expanded_arg); } } } void SubcontextProcess::MainLoop() { pollfd ufd[1]; ufd[0].events = POLLIN; ufd[0].fd = init_fd_; while (true) { ufd[0].revents = 0; int nr = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(poll(ufd, arraysize(ufd), -1)); if (nr == 0) continue; if (nr < 0) { PLOG(FATAL) << "poll() of subcontext socket failed, continuing"; } auto init_message = ReadMessage(init_fd_); if (!init_message.ok()) { if (init_message.error().code() == 0) { // If the init file descriptor was closed, let's exit quietly. If // this was accidental, init will restart us. If init died, this // avoids calling abort(3) unnecessarily. return; } LOG(FATAL) << "Could not read message from init: " << init_message.error(); } auto subcontext_command = SubcontextCommand(); if (!subcontext_command.ParseFromString(*init_message)) { LOG(FATAL) << "Unable to parse message from init"; } auto reply = SubcontextReply(); switch (subcontext_command.command_case()) { case SubcontextCommand::kExecuteCommand: { RunCommand(subcontext_command.execute_command(), &reply); break; } case SubcontextCommand::kExpandArgsCommand: { ExpandArgs(subcontext_command.expand_args_command(), &reply); break; } default: LOG(FATAL) << "Unknown message type from init: " << subcontext_command.command_case(); } if (!shutdown_command.empty()) { reply.set_trigger_shutdown(shutdown_command); shutdown_command.clear(); } if (auto result = SendMessage(init_fd_, reply); !result.ok()) { LOG(FATAL) << "Failed to send message to init: " << result.error(); } } } } // namespace int SubcontextMain(int argc, char** argv, const BuiltinFunctionMap* function_map) { if (argc < 4) LOG(FATAL) << "Fewer than 4 args specified to subcontext (" << argc << ")"; auto context = std::string(argv[2]); auto init_fd = std::atoi(argv[3]); SelabelInitialize(); trigger_shutdown = [](const std::string& command) { shutdown_command = command; }; auto subcontext_process = SubcontextProcess(function_map, context, init_fd); // Restore prio before main loop setpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, 0, 0); subcontext_process.MainLoop(); return 0; } void Subcontext::Fork() { unique_fd subcontext_socket; if (!Socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_SEQPACKET | SOCK_CLOEXEC, 0, &socket_, &subcontext_socket)) { LOG(FATAL) << "Could not create socket pair to communicate to subcontext"; return; } auto result = fork(); if (result == -1) { LOG(FATAL) << "Could not fork subcontext"; } else if (result == 0) { socket_.reset(); // We explicitly do not use O_CLOEXEC here, such that we can reference this FD by number // in the subcontext process after we exec. int child_fd = dup(subcontext_socket); // NOLINT(android-cloexec-dup) if (child_fd < 0) { PLOG(FATAL) << "Could not dup child_fd"; } // We don't switch contexts if we're running the unit tests. We don't use std::optional, // since we still need a real context string to pass to the builtin functions. if (context_ != kTestContext) { if (setexeccon(context_.c_str()) < 0) { PLOG(FATAL) << "Could not set execcon for '" << context_ << "'"; } } #if defined(__ANDROID__) // subcontext init runs in "default" mount namespace // so that it can access /apex/* if (auto result = SwitchToMountNamespaceIfNeeded(NS_DEFAULT); !result.ok()) { LOG(FATAL) << "Could not switch to \"default\" mount namespace: " << result.error(); } #endif auto init_path = GetExecutablePath(); auto child_fd_string = std::to_string(child_fd); const char* args[] = {init_path.c_str(), "subcontext", context_.c_str(), child_fd_string.c_str(), nullptr}; execv(init_path.data(), const_cast(args)); PLOG(FATAL) << "Could not execv subcontext init"; } else { subcontext_socket.reset(); pid_ = result; LOG(INFO) << "Forked subcontext for '" << context_ << "' with pid " << pid_; } } void Subcontext::Restart() { LOG(ERROR) << "Restarting subcontext '" << context_ << "'"; if (pid_) { kill(pid_, SIGKILL); } pid_ = 0; socket_.reset(); Fork(); } bool Subcontext::PathMatchesSubcontext(const std::string& path) { for (const auto& prefix : path_prefixes_) { if (StartsWith(path, prefix)) { return true; } } return false; } Result Subcontext::TransmitMessage(const SubcontextCommand& subcontext_command) { if (auto result = SendMessage(socket_, subcontext_command); !result.ok()) { Restart(); return ErrnoError() << "Failed to send message to subcontext"; } auto subcontext_message = ReadMessage(socket_); if (!subcontext_message.ok()) { Restart(); return Error() << "Failed to receive result from subcontext: " << subcontext_message.error(); } auto subcontext_reply = SubcontextReply{}; if (!subcontext_reply.ParseFromString(*subcontext_message)) { Restart(); return Error() << "Unable to parse message from subcontext"; } if (subcontext_reply.has_trigger_shutdown()) { trigger_shutdown(subcontext_reply.trigger_shutdown()); } return subcontext_reply; } Result Subcontext::Execute(const std::vector& args) { auto subcontext_command = SubcontextCommand(); std::copy( args.begin(), args.end(), RepeatedPtrFieldBackInserter(subcontext_command.mutable_execute_command()->mutable_args())); auto subcontext_reply = TransmitMessage(subcontext_command); if (!subcontext_reply.ok()) { return subcontext_reply.error(); } if (subcontext_reply->reply_case() == SubcontextReply::kFailure) { auto& failure = subcontext_reply->failure(); return ResultError(failure.error_string(), failure.error_errno()); } if (subcontext_reply->reply_case() != SubcontextReply::kSuccess) { return Error() << "Unexpected message type from subcontext: " << subcontext_reply->reply_case(); } return {}; } Result> Subcontext::ExpandArgs(const std::vector& args) { auto subcontext_command = SubcontextCommand{}; std::copy(args.begin(), args.end(), RepeatedPtrFieldBackInserter( subcontext_command.mutable_expand_args_command()->mutable_args())); auto subcontext_reply = TransmitMessage(subcontext_command); if (!subcontext_reply.ok()) { return subcontext_reply.error(); } if (subcontext_reply->reply_case() == SubcontextReply::kFailure) { auto& failure = subcontext_reply->failure(); return ResultError(failure.error_string(), failure.error_errno()); } if (subcontext_reply->reply_case() != SubcontextReply::kExpandArgsReply) { return Error() << "Unexpected message type from subcontext: " << subcontext_reply->reply_case(); } auto& reply = subcontext_reply->expand_args_reply(); auto expanded_args = std::vector{}; for (const auto& string : reply.expanded_args()) { expanded_args.emplace_back(string); } return expanded_args; } void InitializeSubcontext() { if (IsMicrodroid()) { LOG(INFO) << "Not using subcontext for microdroid"; return; } if (SelinuxGetVendorAndroidVersion() >= __ANDROID_API_P__) { subcontext.reset( new Subcontext(std::vector{"/vendor", "/odm"}, kVendorContext)); } } void InitializeHostSubcontext(std::vector vendor_prefixes) { subcontext.reset(new Subcontext(vendor_prefixes, kVendorContext, /*host=*/true)); } Subcontext* GetSubcontext() { return subcontext.get(); } bool SubcontextChildReap(pid_t pid) { if (!subcontext) { return false; } if (subcontext->pid() == pid) { if (!subcontext_terminated_by_shutdown) { subcontext->Restart(); } return true; } return false; } void SubcontextTerminate() { subcontext_terminated_by_shutdown = true; kill(subcontext->pid(), SIGTERM); } } // namespace init } // namespace android