/* * Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef _LOGD_LOG_STATISTICS_H__ #define _LOGD_LOG_STATISTICS_H__ #include #include #include #include #include #include "LogBufferElement.h" #define log_id_for_each(i) \ for (log_id_t i = LOG_ID_MIN; i < LOG_ID_MAX; i = (log_id_t) (i + 1)) template class LogHashtable : public android::BasicHashtable { public: std::unique_ptr sort(size_t n) { if (!n) { std::unique_ptr sorted(NULL); return sorted; } const TEntry **retval = new const TEntry* [n]; memset(retval, 0, sizeof(*retval) * n); ssize_t index = -1; while ((index = android::BasicHashtable::next(index)) >= 0) { const TEntry &entry = android::BasicHashtable::entryAt(index); size_t s = entry.getSizes(); ssize_t i = n - 1; while ((!retval[i] || (s > retval[i]->getSizes())) && (--i >= 0)) ; if (++i < (ssize_t)n) { size_t b = n - i - 1; if (b) { memmove(&retval[i+1], &retval[i], b * sizeof(retval[0])); } retval[i] = &entry; } } std::unique_ptr sorted(retval); return sorted; } // Iteration handler for the sort method output static ssize_t next(ssize_t index, std::unique_ptr &sorted, size_t n) { ++index; if (!sorted.get() || (index < 0) || (n <= (size_t)index) || !sorted[index] || (sorted[index]->getSizes() <= (sorted[0]->getSizes() / 100))) { return -1; } return index; } ssize_t next(ssize_t index) { return android::BasicHashtable::next(index); } size_t add(TKey key, LogBufferElement *e) { android::hash_t hash = android::hash_type(key); ssize_t index = android::BasicHashtable::find(-1, hash, key); if (index == -1) { return android::BasicHashtable::add(hash, TEntry(e)); } android::BasicHashtable::editEntryAt(index).add(e); return index; } inline size_t add(TKey key) { android::hash_t hash = android::hash_type(key); ssize_t index = android::BasicHashtable::find(-1, hash, key); if (index == -1) { return android::BasicHashtable::add(hash, TEntry(key)); } android::BasicHashtable::editEntryAt(index).add(key); return index; } void subtract(TKey key, LogBufferElement *e) { ssize_t index = android::BasicHashtable::find(-1, android::hash_type(key), key); if ((index != -1) && android::BasicHashtable::editEntryAt(index).subtract(e)) { android::BasicHashtable::removeAt(index); } } inline void drop(TKey key, LogBufferElement *e) { ssize_t index = android::BasicHashtable::find(-1, android::hash_type(key), key); if (index != -1) { android::BasicHashtable::editEntryAt(index).drop(e); } } }; struct EntryBase { size_t size; EntryBase():size(0) { } EntryBase(LogBufferElement *e):size(e->getMsgLen()) { } size_t getSizes() const { return size; } inline void add(LogBufferElement *e) { size += e->getMsgLen(); } inline bool subtract(LogBufferElement *e) { size -= e->getMsgLen(); return !size; } }; struct EntryBaseDropped : public EntryBase { size_t dropped; EntryBaseDropped():dropped(0) { } EntryBaseDropped(LogBufferElement *e):EntryBase(e),dropped(e->getDropped()){ } size_t getDropped() const { return dropped; } inline void add(LogBufferElement *e) { dropped += e->getDropped(); EntryBase::add(e); } inline bool subtract(LogBufferElement *e) { dropped -= e->getDropped(); return EntryBase::subtract(e) && !dropped; } inline void drop(LogBufferElement *e) { dropped += 1; EntryBase::subtract(e); } }; struct UidEntry : public EntryBaseDropped { const uid_t uid; UidEntry(LogBufferElement *e):EntryBaseDropped(e),uid(e->getUid()) { } inline const uid_t&getKey() const { return uid; } }; namespace android { uid_t pidToUid(pid_t pid); } struct PidEntry : public EntryBaseDropped { const pid_t pid; uid_t uid; char *name; PidEntry(pid_t p): EntryBaseDropped(), pid(p), uid(android::pidToUid(p)), name(android::pidToName(pid)) { } PidEntry(LogBufferElement *e): EntryBaseDropped(e), pid(e->getPid()), uid(e->getUid()), name(android::pidToName(e->getPid())) { } PidEntry(const PidEntry &c): EntryBaseDropped(c), pid(c.pid), uid(c.uid), name(c.name ? strdup(c.name) : NULL) { } ~PidEntry() { free(name); } const pid_t&getKey() const { return pid; } const uid_t&getUid() const { return uid; } const char*getName() const { return name; } inline void add(pid_t p) { if (name && !strncmp(name, "zygote", 6)) { free(name); name = NULL; } if (!name) { char *n = android::pidToName(p); if (n) { name = n; } } } inline void add(LogBufferElement *e) { uid_t u = e->getUid(); if (getUid() != u) { uid = u; free(name); name = android::pidToName(e->getPid()); } else { add(e->getPid()); } EntryBaseDropped::add(e); } }; struct TagEntry : public EntryBase { const uint32_t tag; uid_t uid; TagEntry(LogBufferElement *e): EntryBase(e), tag(e->getTag()), uid(e->getUid()) { } const uint32_t&getKey() const { return tag; } const uid_t&getUid() const { return uid; } const char*getName() const { return android::tagToName(tag); } inline void add(LogBufferElement *e) { uid_t u = e->getUid(); if (uid != u) { uid = -1; } EntryBase::add(e); } }; // Log Statistics class LogStatistics { size_t mSizes[LOG_ID_MAX]; size_t mElements[LOG_ID_MAX]; size_t mSizesTotal[LOG_ID_MAX]; size_t mElementsTotal[LOG_ID_MAX]; bool enable; // uid to size list typedef LogHashtable uidTable_t; uidTable_t uidTable[LOG_ID_MAX]; // pid to uid list typedef LogHashtable pidTable_t; pidTable_t pidTable; // tag list typedef LogHashtable tagTable_t; tagTable_t tagTable; public: LogStatistics(); void enableStatistics() { enable = true; } void add(LogBufferElement *entry); void subtract(LogBufferElement *entry); // entry->setDropped(1) must follow this call void drop(LogBufferElement *entry); // Correct for merging two entries referencing dropped content void erase(LogBufferElement *e) { --mElements[e->getLogId()]; } std::unique_ptr sort(size_t n, log_id i) { return uidTable[i].sort(n); } // fast track current value by id only size_t sizes(log_id_t id) const { return mSizes[id]; } size_t elements(log_id_t id) const { return mElements[id]; } size_t sizesTotal(log_id_t id) const { return mSizesTotal[id]; } size_t elementsTotal(log_id_t id) const { return mElementsTotal[id]; } // *strp = malloc, balance with free void format(char **strp, uid_t uid, unsigned int logMask); // helper char *pidToName(pid_t pid); uid_t pidToUid(pid_t pid); char *uidToName(uid_t uid); }; #endif // _LOGD_LOG_STATISTICS_H__