/* * Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "interface_utils.h" #include #include #include #include #include using android::FqInstance; using android::FQName; using android::base::Error; namespace android { namespace init { namespace { std::string FQNamesToString(const std::set& fqnames) { std::set fqname_strings; for (const FQName& fqname : fqnames) { fqname_strings.insert(fqname.string()); } return android::base::Join(fqname_strings, " "); } } // namespace Result ReadInterfaceInheritanceHierarchy( const std::string& path) { Json::Value root; Json::Reader reader; std::ifstream stream(path); if (!reader.parse(stream, root)) { return Error() << "Failed to read interface inheritance hierarchy file: " << path << "\n" << reader.getFormattedErrorMessages(); } InterfaceInheritanceHierarchyMap result; for (const Json::Value& entry : root) { std::set inherited_interfaces; for (const Json::Value& intf : entry["inheritedInterfaces"]) { FQName fqname; if (!fqname.setTo(intf.asString())) { return Error() << "Unable to parse interface '" << intf.asString() << "'"; } inherited_interfaces.insert(fqname); } std::string intf_string = entry["interface"].asString(); FQName fqname; if (!fqname.setTo(intf_string)) { return Error() << "Unable to parse interface '" << intf_string << "'"; } result[fqname] = inherited_interfaces; } return result; } Result CheckInterfaceInheritanceHierarchy(const std::set& instances, const InterfaceInheritanceHierarchyMap& hierarchy) { std::set interface_fqnames; for (const std::string& instance : instances) { FqInstance fqinstance; if (!fqinstance.setTo(instance)) { return Error() << "Unable to parse interface instance '" << instance << "'"; } interface_fqnames.insert(fqinstance.getFqName()); } return CheckInterfaceInheritanceHierarchy(interface_fqnames, hierarchy); } Result CheckInterfaceInheritanceHierarchy(const std::set& interfaces, const InterfaceInheritanceHierarchyMap& hierarchy) { std::ostringstream error_stream; for (const FQName& intf : interfaces) { if (hierarchy.count(intf) == 0) { error_stream << "\nInterface is not in the known set of hidl_interfaces: '" << intf.string() << "'. Please ensure the interface is spelled correctly and built " << "by a hidl_interface target."; continue; } const std::set& required_interfaces = hierarchy.at(intf); std::set diff; std::set_difference(required_interfaces.begin(), required_interfaces.end(), interfaces.begin(), interfaces.end(), std::inserter(diff, diff.begin())); if (!diff.empty()) { error_stream << "\nInterface '" << intf.string() << "' requires its full inheritance " << "hierarchy to be listed in this init_rc file. Missing " << "interfaces: [" << FQNamesToString(diff) << "]"; } } const std::string& errors = error_stream.str(); if (!errors.empty()) { return Error() << errors; } return {}; } std::optional> known_interfaces; void SetKnownInterfaces(const InterfaceInheritanceHierarchyMap& hierarchy) { known_interfaces = std::set(); for (const auto& [intf, inherited_interfaces] : hierarchy) { known_interfaces->insert(intf); } } Result IsKnownInterface(const std::string& instance) { FqInstance fqinstance; if (!fqinstance.setTo(instance)) { return Error() << "Unable to parse interface instance '" << instance << "'"; } return IsKnownInterface(fqinstance.getFqName()); } Result IsKnownInterface(const FQName& intf) { if (!known_interfaces) { return Error() << "No known interfaces have been loaded."; } if (known_interfaces->count(intf) == 0) { return Error() << "Interface is not in the known set of hidl_interfaces: '" << intf.string() << "'. Please ensure the interface is spelled correctly and built " << "by a hidl_interface target."; } return {}; } } // namespace init } // namespace android