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* Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "commands.h"
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/un.h>
#include <android-base/logging.h>
#include <android-base/parseint.h>
#include <android-base/properties.h>
#include <android-base/stringprintf.h>
#include <android-base/strings.h>
#include <android-base/unique_fd.h>
#include <cutils/android_reboot.h>
#include <ext4_utils/wipe.h>
#include <fs_mgr.h>
#include <fs_mgr/roots.h>
#include <libgsi/libgsi.h>
#include <liblp/builder.h>
#include <liblp/liblp.h>
#include <uuid/uuid.h>
#include "constants.h"
#include "fastboot_device.h"
#include "flashing.h"
#include "utility.h"
using android::fs_mgr::MetadataBuilder;
using ::android::hardware::hidl_string;
using ::android::hardware::boot::V1_0::BoolResult;
using ::android::hardware::boot::V1_0::CommandResult;
using ::android::hardware::boot::V1_0::Slot;
using ::android::hardware::fastboot::V1_0::Result;
using ::android::hardware::fastboot::V1_0::Status;
struct VariableHandlers {
// Callback to retrieve the value of a single variable.
std::function<bool(FastbootDevice*, const std::vector<std::string>&, std::string*)> get;
// Callback to retrieve all possible argument combinations, for getvar all.
std::function<std::vector<std::vector<std::string>>(FastbootDevice*)> get_all_args;
static void GetAllVars(FastbootDevice* device, const std::string& name,
const VariableHandlers& handlers) {
if (!handlers.get_all_args) {
std::string message;
if (!handlers.get(device, std::vector<std::string>(), &message)) {
device->WriteInfo(android::base::StringPrintf("%s:%s", name.c_str(), message.c_str()));
auto all_args = handlers.get_all_args(device);
for (const auto& args : all_args) {
std::string message;
if (!handlers.get(device, args, &message)) {
std::string arg_string = android::base::Join(args, ":");
device->WriteInfo(android::base::StringPrintf("%s:%s:%s", name.c_str(), arg_string.c_str(),
bool GetVarHandler(FastbootDevice* device, const std::vector<std::string>& args) {
const std::unordered_map<std::string, VariableHandlers> kVariableMap = {
{FB_VAR_VERSION, {GetVersion, nullptr}},
{FB_VAR_VERSION_BOOTLOADER, {GetBootloaderVersion, nullptr}},
{FB_VAR_VERSION_BASEBAND, {GetBasebandVersion, nullptr}},
{FB_VAR_PRODUCT, {GetProduct, nullptr}},
{FB_VAR_SERIALNO, {GetSerial, nullptr}},
{FB_VAR_VARIANT, {GetVariant, nullptr}},
{FB_VAR_SECURE, {GetSecure, nullptr}},
{FB_VAR_UNLOCKED, {GetUnlocked, nullptr}},
{FB_VAR_MAX_DOWNLOAD_SIZE, {GetMaxDownloadSize, nullptr}},
{FB_VAR_CURRENT_SLOT, {::GetCurrentSlot, nullptr}},
{FB_VAR_SLOT_COUNT, {GetSlotCount, nullptr}},
{FB_VAR_HAS_SLOT, {GetHasSlot, GetAllPartitionArgsNoSlot}},
{FB_VAR_SLOT_SUCCESSFUL, {GetSlotSuccessful, nullptr}},
{FB_VAR_SLOT_UNBOOTABLE, {GetSlotUnbootable, nullptr}},
{FB_VAR_PARTITION_SIZE, {GetPartitionSize, GetAllPartitionArgsWithSlot}},
{FB_VAR_PARTITION_TYPE, {GetPartitionType, GetAllPartitionArgsWithSlot}},
{FB_VAR_IS_LOGICAL, {GetPartitionIsLogical, GetAllPartitionArgsWithSlot}},
{FB_VAR_IS_USERSPACE, {GetIsUserspace, nullptr}},
{FB_VAR_OFF_MODE_CHARGE_STATE, {GetOffModeChargeState, nullptr}},
{FB_VAR_BATTERY_VOLTAGE, {GetBatteryVoltage, nullptr}},
{FB_VAR_BATTERY_SOC_OK, {GetBatterySoCOk, nullptr}},
{FB_VAR_HW_REVISION, {GetHardwareRevision, nullptr}},
{FB_VAR_SUPER_PARTITION_NAME, {GetSuperPartitionName, nullptr}}};
if (args.size() < 2) {
return device->WriteFail("Missing argument");
// Special case: return all variables that we can.
if (args[1] == "all") {
for (const auto& [name, handlers] : kVariableMap) {
GetAllVars(device, name, handlers);
return device->WriteOkay("");
// args[0] is command name, args[1] is variable.
auto found_variable = kVariableMap.find(args[1]);
if (found_variable == kVariableMap.end()) {
return device->WriteFail("Unknown variable");
std::string message;
std::vector<std::string> getvar_args(args.begin() + 2, args.end());
if (!found_variable->second.get(device, getvar_args, &message)) {
return device->WriteFail(message);
return device->WriteOkay(message);
bool EraseHandler(FastbootDevice* device, const std::vector<std::string>& args) {
if (args.size() < 2) {
return device->WriteStatus(FastbootResult::FAIL, "Invalid arguments");
if (GetDeviceLockStatus()) {
return device->WriteStatus(FastbootResult::FAIL, "Erase is not allowed on locked devices");
PartitionHandle handle;
if (!OpenPartition(device, args[1], &handle)) {
return device->WriteStatus(FastbootResult::FAIL, "Partition doesn't exist");
if (wipe_block_device(handle.fd(), get_block_device_size(handle.fd())) == 0) {
return device->WriteStatus(FastbootResult::OKAY, "Erasing succeeded");
return device->WriteStatus(FastbootResult::FAIL, "Erasing failed");
bool OemCmdHandler(FastbootDevice* device, const std::vector<std::string>& args) {
auto fastboot_hal = device->fastboot_hal();
if (!fastboot_hal) {
return device->WriteStatus(FastbootResult::FAIL, "Unable to open fastboot HAL");
Result ret;
auto ret_val = fastboot_hal->doOemCommand(args[0], [&](Result result) { ret = result; });
if (!ret_val.isOk()) {
return device->WriteStatus(FastbootResult::FAIL, "Unable to do OEM command");
if (ret.status != Status::SUCCESS) {
return device->WriteStatus(FastbootResult::FAIL, ret.message);
return device->WriteStatus(FastbootResult::OKAY, ret.message);
bool DownloadHandler(FastbootDevice* device, const std::vector<std::string>& args) {
if (args.size() < 2) {
return device->WriteStatus(FastbootResult::FAIL, "size argument unspecified");
if (GetDeviceLockStatus()) {
return device->WriteStatus(FastbootResult::FAIL,
"Download is not allowed on locked devices");
// arg[0] is the command name, arg[1] contains size of data to be downloaded
unsigned int size;
if (!android::base::ParseUint("0x" + args[1], &size, kMaxDownloadSizeDefault)) {
return device->WriteStatus(FastbootResult::FAIL, "Invalid size");
if (!device->WriteStatus(FastbootResult::DATA, android::base::StringPrintf("%08x", size))) {
return false;
if (device->HandleData(true, &device->download_data())) {
return device->WriteStatus(FastbootResult::OKAY, "");
PLOG(ERROR) << "Couldn't download data";
return device->WriteStatus(FastbootResult::FAIL, "Couldn't download data");
bool FlashHandler(FastbootDevice* device, const std::vector<std::string>& args) {
if (args.size() < 2) {
return device->WriteStatus(FastbootResult::FAIL, "Invalid arguments");
if (GetDeviceLockStatus()) {
return device->WriteStatus(FastbootResult::FAIL,
"Flashing is not allowed on locked devices");
int ret = Flash(device, args[1]);
if (ret < 0) {
return device->WriteStatus(FastbootResult::FAIL, strerror(-ret));
return device->WriteStatus(FastbootResult::OKAY, "Flashing succeeded");
bool SetActiveHandler(FastbootDevice* device, const std::vector<std::string>& args) {
if (args.size() < 2) {
return device->WriteStatus(FastbootResult::FAIL, "Missing slot argument");
if (GetDeviceLockStatus()) {
return device->WriteStatus(FastbootResult::FAIL,
"set_active command is not allowed on locked devices");
// Slot suffix needs to be between 'a' and 'z'.
Slot slot;
if (!GetSlotNumber(args[1], &slot)) {
return device->WriteStatus(FastbootResult::FAIL, "Bad slot suffix");
// Non-A/B devices will not have a boot control HAL.
auto boot_control_hal = device->boot_control_hal();
if (!boot_control_hal) {
return device->WriteStatus(FastbootResult::FAIL,
"Cannot set slot: boot control HAL absent");
if (slot >= boot_control_hal->getNumberSlots()) {
return device->WriteStatus(FastbootResult::FAIL, "Slot out of range");
CommandResult ret;
auto cb = [&ret](CommandResult result) { ret = result; };
auto result = boot_control_hal->setActiveBootSlot(slot, cb);
if (result.isOk() && ret.success) {
// Save as slot suffix to match the suffix format as returned from
// the boot control HAL.
auto current_slot = "_" + args[1];
return device->WriteStatus(FastbootResult::OKAY, "");
return device->WriteStatus(FastbootResult::FAIL, "Unable to set slot");
bool ShutDownHandler(FastbootDevice* device, const std::vector<std::string>& /* args */) {
auto result = device->WriteStatus(FastbootResult::OKAY, "Shutting down");
android::base::SetProperty(ANDROID_RB_PROPERTY, "shutdown,fastboot");
return result;
bool RebootHandler(FastbootDevice* device, const std::vector<std::string>& /* args */) {
auto result = device->WriteStatus(FastbootResult::OKAY, "Rebooting");
android::base::SetProperty(ANDROID_RB_PROPERTY, "reboot,from_fastboot");
return result;
bool RebootBootloaderHandler(FastbootDevice* device, const std::vector<std::string>& /* args */) {
auto result = device->WriteStatus(FastbootResult::OKAY, "Rebooting bootloader");
android::base::SetProperty(ANDROID_RB_PROPERTY, "reboot,bootloader");
return result;
bool RebootFastbootHandler(FastbootDevice* device, const std::vector<std::string>& /* args */) {
auto result = device->WriteStatus(FastbootResult::OKAY, "Rebooting fastboot");
android::base::SetProperty(ANDROID_RB_PROPERTY, "reboot,fastboot");
return result;
static bool EnterRecovery() {
const char msg_switch_to_recovery = 'r';
android::base::unique_fd sock(socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0));
if (sock < 0) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Couldn't create sock";
return false;
struct sockaddr_un addr = {.sun_family = AF_UNIX};
strncpy(addr.sun_path, "/dev/socket/recovery", sizeof(addr.sun_path) - 1);
if (connect(sock, (struct sockaddr*)&addr, sizeof(addr)) < 0) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Couldn't connect to recovery";
return false;
// Switch to recovery will not update the boot reason since it does not
// require a reboot.
auto ret = write(sock, &msg_switch_to_recovery, sizeof(msg_switch_to_recovery));
if (ret != sizeof(msg_switch_to_recovery)) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Couldn't write message to switch to recovery";
return false;
return true;
bool RebootRecoveryHandler(FastbootDevice* device, const std::vector<std::string>& /* args */) {
auto status = true;
if (EnterRecovery()) {
status = device->WriteStatus(FastbootResult::OKAY, "Rebooting to recovery");
} else {
status = device->WriteStatus(FastbootResult::FAIL, "Unable to reboot to recovery");
return status;
// Helper class for opening a handle to a MetadataBuilder and writing the new
// partition table to the same place it was read.
class PartitionBuilder {
fastbootd: Support two super partitions for retrofit devices. Retrofit devices will have two super partitions, spanning the A and B slots separately. By design an OTA will never cause "A" or "B" partitions to be assigned to the wrong super. However, the same is not true of fastbootd, where it is possible to flash the inactive slot. We do not want, for example, logical "system_a" flashing to super_b. When interacting with partitions, fastbootd now extracts the slot suffix from a GetSuperSlotSuffix() helper. On retrofit devices, if the partition name has a slot, that slot will override FastbootDevice::GetCurrentSlot. This forces partitions in the inactive slot to be assigned to the correct super. There are two consequences of this. First, partitions with no slot suffix will default to the current slot. That means it is possible to wind up with two "scratch" partitions, if "adb remount" is used on both the "A" and "B" slots. However, only the active slot's "scratch" will be visible to the user (either through adb or fastboot). Second, if one slot does not have dynamic partitions, flashing will default to fixed partitions. For example, if the A slot is logical and B is not, flashing "system_a" will be logical and "system_b" will be fixed. This works no matter which slot is active. We do not try to upgrade the inactive slot to dynamic partitions. Bug: 116802789 Test: fastboot set_active a fastboot flashall # dynamic partitions fastboot getvar is-logical:system_a # true fastboot getvar is-logical:system_b # false fastboot set_active b fastboot flashall --skip-secondary fastboot getvar is-logical:system_a # true fastboot getvar is-logical:system_b # true Booting both slots works. Change-Id: Ib3c91944aaee1a96b2f5ad69c90e215bd6c5a2e8
2018-11-10 04:41:33 +00:00
explicit PartitionBuilder(FastbootDevice* device, const std::string& partition_name);
bool Write();
bool Valid() const { return !!builder_; }
MetadataBuilder* operator->() const { return builder_.get(); }
FastbootDevice* device_;
std::string super_device_;
fastbootd: Support two super partitions for retrofit devices. Retrofit devices will have two super partitions, spanning the A and B slots separately. By design an OTA will never cause "A" or "B" partitions to be assigned to the wrong super. However, the same is not true of fastbootd, where it is possible to flash the inactive slot. We do not want, for example, logical "system_a" flashing to super_b. When interacting with partitions, fastbootd now extracts the slot suffix from a GetSuperSlotSuffix() helper. On retrofit devices, if the partition name has a slot, that slot will override FastbootDevice::GetCurrentSlot. This forces partitions in the inactive slot to be assigned to the correct super. There are two consequences of this. First, partitions with no slot suffix will default to the current slot. That means it is possible to wind up with two "scratch" partitions, if "adb remount" is used on both the "A" and "B" slots. However, only the active slot's "scratch" will be visible to the user (either through adb or fastboot). Second, if one slot does not have dynamic partitions, flashing will default to fixed partitions. For example, if the A slot is logical and B is not, flashing "system_a" will be logical and "system_b" will be fixed. This works no matter which slot is active. We do not try to upgrade the inactive slot to dynamic partitions. Bug: 116802789 Test: fastboot set_active a fastboot flashall # dynamic partitions fastboot getvar is-logical:system_a # true fastboot getvar is-logical:system_b # false fastboot set_active b fastboot flashall --skip-secondary fastboot getvar is-logical:system_a # true fastboot getvar is-logical:system_b # true Booting both slots works. Change-Id: Ib3c91944aaee1a96b2f5ad69c90e215bd6c5a2e8
2018-11-10 04:41:33 +00:00
uint32_t slot_number_;
std::unique_ptr<MetadataBuilder> builder_;
PartitionBuilder::PartitionBuilder(FastbootDevice* device, const std::string& partition_name)
: device_(device) {
fastbootd: Support two super partitions for retrofit devices. Retrofit devices will have two super partitions, spanning the A and B slots separately. By design an OTA will never cause "A" or "B" partitions to be assigned to the wrong super. However, the same is not true of fastbootd, where it is possible to flash the inactive slot. We do not want, for example, logical "system_a" flashing to super_b. When interacting with partitions, fastbootd now extracts the slot suffix from a GetSuperSlotSuffix() helper. On retrofit devices, if the partition name has a slot, that slot will override FastbootDevice::GetCurrentSlot. This forces partitions in the inactive slot to be assigned to the correct super. There are two consequences of this. First, partitions with no slot suffix will default to the current slot. That means it is possible to wind up with two "scratch" partitions, if "adb remount" is used on both the "A" and "B" slots. However, only the active slot's "scratch" will be visible to the user (either through adb or fastboot). Second, if one slot does not have dynamic partitions, flashing will default to fixed partitions. For example, if the A slot is logical and B is not, flashing "system_a" will be logical and "system_b" will be fixed. This works no matter which slot is active. We do not try to upgrade the inactive slot to dynamic partitions. Bug: 116802789 Test: fastboot set_active a fastboot flashall # dynamic partitions fastboot getvar is-logical:system_a # true fastboot getvar is-logical:system_b # false fastboot set_active b fastboot flashall --skip-secondary fastboot getvar is-logical:system_a # true fastboot getvar is-logical:system_b # true Booting both slots works. Change-Id: Ib3c91944aaee1a96b2f5ad69c90e215bd6c5a2e8
2018-11-10 04:41:33 +00:00
std::string slot_suffix = GetSuperSlotSuffix(device, partition_name);
slot_number_ = android::fs_mgr::SlotNumberForSlotSuffix(slot_suffix);
fastbootd: Support two super partitions for retrofit devices. Retrofit devices will have two super partitions, spanning the A and B slots separately. By design an OTA will never cause "A" or "B" partitions to be assigned to the wrong super. However, the same is not true of fastbootd, where it is possible to flash the inactive slot. We do not want, for example, logical "system_a" flashing to super_b. When interacting with partitions, fastbootd now extracts the slot suffix from a GetSuperSlotSuffix() helper. On retrofit devices, if the partition name has a slot, that slot will override FastbootDevice::GetCurrentSlot. This forces partitions in the inactive slot to be assigned to the correct super. There are two consequences of this. First, partitions with no slot suffix will default to the current slot. That means it is possible to wind up with two "scratch" partitions, if "adb remount" is used on both the "A" and "B" slots. However, only the active slot's "scratch" will be visible to the user (either through adb or fastboot). Second, if one slot does not have dynamic partitions, flashing will default to fixed partitions. For example, if the A slot is logical and B is not, flashing "system_a" will be logical and "system_b" will be fixed. This works no matter which slot is active. We do not try to upgrade the inactive slot to dynamic partitions. Bug: 116802789 Test: fastboot set_active a fastboot flashall # dynamic partitions fastboot getvar is-logical:system_a # true fastboot getvar is-logical:system_b # false fastboot set_active b fastboot flashall --skip-secondary fastboot getvar is-logical:system_a # true fastboot getvar is-logical:system_b # true Booting both slots works. Change-Id: Ib3c91944aaee1a96b2f5ad69c90e215bd6c5a2e8
2018-11-10 04:41:33 +00:00
auto super_device = FindPhysicalPartition(fs_mgr_get_super_partition_name(slot_number_));
if (!super_device) {
super_device_ = *super_device;
fastbootd: Support two super partitions for retrofit devices. Retrofit devices will have two super partitions, spanning the A and B slots separately. By design an OTA will never cause "A" or "B" partitions to be assigned to the wrong super. However, the same is not true of fastbootd, where it is possible to flash the inactive slot. We do not want, for example, logical "system_a" flashing to super_b. When interacting with partitions, fastbootd now extracts the slot suffix from a GetSuperSlotSuffix() helper. On retrofit devices, if the partition name has a slot, that slot will override FastbootDevice::GetCurrentSlot. This forces partitions in the inactive slot to be assigned to the correct super. There are two consequences of this. First, partitions with no slot suffix will default to the current slot. That means it is possible to wind up with two "scratch" partitions, if "adb remount" is used on both the "A" and "B" slots. However, only the active slot's "scratch" will be visible to the user (either through adb or fastboot). Second, if one slot does not have dynamic partitions, flashing will default to fixed partitions. For example, if the A slot is logical and B is not, flashing "system_a" will be logical and "system_b" will be fixed. This works no matter which slot is active. We do not try to upgrade the inactive slot to dynamic partitions. Bug: 116802789 Test: fastboot set_active a fastboot flashall # dynamic partitions fastboot getvar is-logical:system_a # true fastboot getvar is-logical:system_b # false fastboot set_active b fastboot flashall --skip-secondary fastboot getvar is-logical:system_a # true fastboot getvar is-logical:system_b # true Booting both slots works. Change-Id: Ib3c91944aaee1a96b2f5ad69c90e215bd6c5a2e8
2018-11-10 04:41:33 +00:00
builder_ = MetadataBuilder::New(super_device_, slot_number_);
bool PartitionBuilder::Write() {
auto metadata = builder_->Export();
if (!metadata) {
return false;
return UpdateAllPartitionMetadata(device_, super_device_, *metadata.get());
bool CreatePartitionHandler(FastbootDevice* device, const std::vector<std::string>& args) {
if (args.size() < 3) {
return device->WriteFail("Invalid partition name and size");
if (GetDeviceLockStatus()) {
return device->WriteStatus(FastbootResult::FAIL, "Command not available on locked devices");
uint64_t partition_size;
std::string partition_name = args[1];
if (!android::base::ParseUint(args[2].c_str(), &partition_size)) {
return device->WriteFail("Invalid partition size");
fastbootd: Support two super partitions for retrofit devices. Retrofit devices will have two super partitions, spanning the A and B slots separately. By design an OTA will never cause "A" or "B" partitions to be assigned to the wrong super. However, the same is not true of fastbootd, where it is possible to flash the inactive slot. We do not want, for example, logical "system_a" flashing to super_b. When interacting with partitions, fastbootd now extracts the slot suffix from a GetSuperSlotSuffix() helper. On retrofit devices, if the partition name has a slot, that slot will override FastbootDevice::GetCurrentSlot. This forces partitions in the inactive slot to be assigned to the correct super. There are two consequences of this. First, partitions with no slot suffix will default to the current slot. That means it is possible to wind up with two "scratch" partitions, if "adb remount" is used on both the "A" and "B" slots. However, only the active slot's "scratch" will be visible to the user (either through adb or fastboot). Second, if one slot does not have dynamic partitions, flashing will default to fixed partitions. For example, if the A slot is logical and B is not, flashing "system_a" will be logical and "system_b" will be fixed. This works no matter which slot is active. We do not try to upgrade the inactive slot to dynamic partitions. Bug: 116802789 Test: fastboot set_active a fastboot flashall # dynamic partitions fastboot getvar is-logical:system_a # true fastboot getvar is-logical:system_b # false fastboot set_active b fastboot flashall --skip-secondary fastboot getvar is-logical:system_a # true fastboot getvar is-logical:system_b # true Booting both slots works. Change-Id: Ib3c91944aaee1a96b2f5ad69c90e215bd6c5a2e8
2018-11-10 04:41:33 +00:00
PartitionBuilder builder(device, partition_name);
if (!builder.Valid()) {
return device->WriteFail("Could not open super partition");
// TODO(112433293) Disallow if the name is in the physical table as well.
if (builder->FindPartition(partition_name)) {
return device->WriteFail("Partition already exists");
auto partition = builder->AddPartition(partition_name, 0);
if (!partition) {
return device->WriteFail("Failed to add partition");
if (!builder->ResizePartition(partition, partition_size)) {
return device->WriteFail("Not enough space for partition");
if (!builder.Write()) {
return device->WriteFail("Failed to write partition table");
return device->WriteOkay("Partition created");
bool DeletePartitionHandler(FastbootDevice* device, const std::vector<std::string>& args) {
if (args.size() < 2) {
return device->WriteFail("Invalid partition name and size");
if (GetDeviceLockStatus()) {
return device->WriteStatus(FastbootResult::FAIL, "Command not available on locked devices");
fastbootd: Support two super partitions for retrofit devices. Retrofit devices will have two super partitions, spanning the A and B slots separately. By design an OTA will never cause "A" or "B" partitions to be assigned to the wrong super. However, the same is not true of fastbootd, where it is possible to flash the inactive slot. We do not want, for example, logical "system_a" flashing to super_b. When interacting with partitions, fastbootd now extracts the slot suffix from a GetSuperSlotSuffix() helper. On retrofit devices, if the partition name has a slot, that slot will override FastbootDevice::GetCurrentSlot. This forces partitions in the inactive slot to be assigned to the correct super. There are two consequences of this. First, partitions with no slot suffix will default to the current slot. That means it is possible to wind up with two "scratch" partitions, if "adb remount" is used on both the "A" and "B" slots. However, only the active slot's "scratch" will be visible to the user (either through adb or fastboot). Second, if one slot does not have dynamic partitions, flashing will default to fixed partitions. For example, if the A slot is logical and B is not, flashing "system_a" will be logical and "system_b" will be fixed. This works no matter which slot is active. We do not try to upgrade the inactive slot to dynamic partitions. Bug: 116802789 Test: fastboot set_active a fastboot flashall # dynamic partitions fastboot getvar is-logical:system_a # true fastboot getvar is-logical:system_b # false fastboot set_active b fastboot flashall --skip-secondary fastboot getvar is-logical:system_a # true fastboot getvar is-logical:system_b # true Booting both slots works. Change-Id: Ib3c91944aaee1a96b2f5ad69c90e215bd6c5a2e8
2018-11-10 04:41:33 +00:00
std::string partition_name = args[1];
PartitionBuilder builder(device, partition_name);
if (!builder.Valid()) {
return device->WriteFail("Could not open super partition");
fastbootd: Support two super partitions for retrofit devices. Retrofit devices will have two super partitions, spanning the A and B slots separately. By design an OTA will never cause "A" or "B" partitions to be assigned to the wrong super. However, the same is not true of fastbootd, where it is possible to flash the inactive slot. We do not want, for example, logical "system_a" flashing to super_b. When interacting with partitions, fastbootd now extracts the slot suffix from a GetSuperSlotSuffix() helper. On retrofit devices, if the partition name has a slot, that slot will override FastbootDevice::GetCurrentSlot. This forces partitions in the inactive slot to be assigned to the correct super. There are two consequences of this. First, partitions with no slot suffix will default to the current slot. That means it is possible to wind up with two "scratch" partitions, if "adb remount" is used on both the "A" and "B" slots. However, only the active slot's "scratch" will be visible to the user (either through adb or fastboot). Second, if one slot does not have dynamic partitions, flashing will default to fixed partitions. For example, if the A slot is logical and B is not, flashing "system_a" will be logical and "system_b" will be fixed. This works no matter which slot is active. We do not try to upgrade the inactive slot to dynamic partitions. Bug: 116802789 Test: fastboot set_active a fastboot flashall # dynamic partitions fastboot getvar is-logical:system_a # true fastboot getvar is-logical:system_b # false fastboot set_active b fastboot flashall --skip-secondary fastboot getvar is-logical:system_a # true fastboot getvar is-logical:system_b # true Booting both slots works. Change-Id: Ib3c91944aaee1a96b2f5ad69c90e215bd6c5a2e8
2018-11-10 04:41:33 +00:00
if (!builder.Write()) {
return device->WriteFail("Failed to write partition table");
return device->WriteOkay("Partition deleted");
bool ResizePartitionHandler(FastbootDevice* device, const std::vector<std::string>& args) {
if (args.size() < 3) {
return device->WriteFail("Invalid partition name and size");
if (GetDeviceLockStatus()) {
return device->WriteStatus(FastbootResult::FAIL, "Command not available on locked devices");
uint64_t partition_size;
std::string partition_name = args[1];
if (!android::base::ParseUint(args[2].c_str(), &partition_size)) {
return device->WriteFail("Invalid partition size");
fastbootd: Support two super partitions for retrofit devices. Retrofit devices will have two super partitions, spanning the A and B slots separately. By design an OTA will never cause "A" or "B" partitions to be assigned to the wrong super. However, the same is not true of fastbootd, where it is possible to flash the inactive slot. We do not want, for example, logical "system_a" flashing to super_b. When interacting with partitions, fastbootd now extracts the slot suffix from a GetSuperSlotSuffix() helper. On retrofit devices, if the partition name has a slot, that slot will override FastbootDevice::GetCurrentSlot. This forces partitions in the inactive slot to be assigned to the correct super. There are two consequences of this. First, partitions with no slot suffix will default to the current slot. That means it is possible to wind up with two "scratch" partitions, if "adb remount" is used on both the "A" and "B" slots. However, only the active slot's "scratch" will be visible to the user (either through adb or fastboot). Second, if one slot does not have dynamic partitions, flashing will default to fixed partitions. For example, if the A slot is logical and B is not, flashing "system_a" will be logical and "system_b" will be fixed. This works no matter which slot is active. We do not try to upgrade the inactive slot to dynamic partitions. Bug: 116802789 Test: fastboot set_active a fastboot flashall # dynamic partitions fastboot getvar is-logical:system_a # true fastboot getvar is-logical:system_b # false fastboot set_active b fastboot flashall --skip-secondary fastboot getvar is-logical:system_a # true fastboot getvar is-logical:system_b # true Booting both slots works. Change-Id: Ib3c91944aaee1a96b2f5ad69c90e215bd6c5a2e8
2018-11-10 04:41:33 +00:00
PartitionBuilder builder(device, partition_name);
if (!builder.Valid()) {
return device->WriteFail("Could not open super partition");
auto partition = builder->FindPartition(partition_name);
if (!partition) {
return device->WriteFail("Partition does not exist");
if (!builder->ResizePartition(partition, partition_size)) {
return device->WriteFail("Not enough space to resize partition");
if (!builder.Write()) {
return device->WriteFail("Failed to write partition table");
return device->WriteOkay("Partition resized");
bool UpdateSuperHandler(FastbootDevice* device, const std::vector<std::string>& args) {
if (args.size() < 2) {
return device->WriteFail("Invalid arguments");
if (GetDeviceLockStatus()) {
return device->WriteStatus(FastbootResult::FAIL, "Command not available on locked devices");
bool wipe = (args.size() >= 3 && args[2] == "wipe");
return UpdateSuper(device, args[1], wipe);
class AutoMountMetadata {
AutoMountMetadata() {
android::fs_mgr::Fstab proc_mounts;
if (!ReadFstabFromFile("/proc/mounts", &proc_mounts)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Could not read /proc/mounts";
auto iter = std::find_if(proc_mounts.begin(), proc_mounts.end(),
[](const auto& entry) { return entry.mount_point == "/metadata"; });
if (iter != proc_mounts.end()) {
mounted_ = true;
if (!ReadDefaultFstab(&fstab_)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Could not read default fstab";
mounted_ = EnsurePathMounted(&fstab_, "/metadata");
should_unmount_ = true;
~AutoMountMetadata() {
if (mounted_ && should_unmount_) {
EnsurePathUnmounted(&fstab_, "/metadata");
explicit operator bool() const { return mounted_; }
android::fs_mgr::Fstab fstab_;
bool mounted_ = false;
bool should_unmount_ = false;
bool GsiHandler(FastbootDevice* device, const std::vector<std::string>& args) {
if (args.size() != 2) {
return device->WriteFail("Invalid arguments");
AutoMountMetadata mount_metadata;
if (!mount_metadata) {
return device->WriteFail("Could not find GSI install");
if (!android::gsi::IsGsiInstalled()) {
return device->WriteStatus(FastbootResult::FAIL, "No GSI is installed");
if (args[1] == "wipe") {
if (!android::gsi::UninstallGsi()) {
return device->WriteStatus(FastbootResult::FAIL, strerror(errno));
} else if (args[1] == "disable") {
if (!android::gsi::DisableGsi()) {
return device->WriteStatus(FastbootResult::FAIL, strerror(errno));
return device->WriteStatus(FastbootResult::OKAY, "Success");