Instead of using hard-coded variants of colors, use the theme color
that corresponds (colorAccent, colorPrimary, etc).
- "Search for more apps" text
- App info drop target hover color
- PageIndicatorDots
- All apps & widget scroll bar & scroll popup colors
- All apps section text color
- widget picker background color
- widget picker header color
BUG: 28625102
Change-Id: I74b543ff71b8caef8cd950c8183ac84c759cb4d5
- Fixing issue with fast scroller not fitting name width.
- Refactoring fast scrolling/scroll bar code out of base recycler view
- Adding animations to fast scroller to match design
- Smooth scrolling when jumping between app rows
- Fixing issue with fast scroller jumping when you first pick it up
- Fixing issue with wrong background paddings being used
Bug: 21874346
Bug: 22031923
Change-Id: I9f011b1f375751f437604b900e95a2942d3f4601
- Renaming resources, dimens, etc to be more consistent
- Removing old AppsCustomize resources and other unused code
Change-Id: I15ce35e7cb7a9b9344fc7103963e4e4c9e45d89a
- This change in behavior will remove the ability to scrub anywhere in the gutter to
start fast-scrolling, but requires the user to touch near the scroll bar to start
- Also fixes issue with wonky scrollbar due to the fake section breaks
Change-Id: I34b08ac46ea93f7f4cad7ccde1048a388ee6a55d