277 lines
9.2 KiB
Executable File
277 lines
9.2 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import argparse
import sys
# Usage: post_process_props.py file.prop [disallowed_key, ...]
# Disallowed keys are removed from the property file, if present
# See PROP_VALUE_MAX in system_properties.h.
# The constant in system_properties.h includes the terminating NUL,
# so we decrease the value by 1 here.
# Put the modifications that you need to make into the */build.prop into this
# function.
def mangle_build_prop(prop_list):
# If ro.debuggable is 1, then enable adb on USB by default
# (this is for userdebug builds)
if prop_list.get_value("ro.debuggable") == "1":
val = prop_list.get_value("persist.sys.usb.config")
if "adb" not in val:
if val == "":
val = "adb"
val = val + ",adb"
prop_list.put("persist.sys.usb.config", val)
def validate_grf_props(prop_list, sdk_version):
"""Validate GRF properties if exist.
If ro.board.first_api_level is defined, check if its value is valid for the
sdk version.
Also, validate the value of ro.board.api_level if defined.
True if the GRF properties are valid.
grf_api_level = prop_list.get_value("ro.board.first_api_level")
board_api_level = prop_list.get_value("ro.board.api_level")
if not grf_api_level:
if board_api_level:
sys.stderr.write("error: non-GRF device must not define "
return False
# non-GRF device skips the GRF validation test
return True
grf_api_level = int(grf_api_level)
if grf_api_level > sdk_version:
sys.stderr.write("error: ro.board.first_api_level(%d) must be less than "
"or equal to ro.build.version.sdk(%d)\n"
% (grf_api_level, sdk_version))
return False
if board_api_level:
board_api_level = int(board_api_level)
if board_api_level < grf_api_level or board_api_level > sdk_version:
sys.stderr.write("error: ro.board.api_level(%d) must be neither less "
"than ro.board.first_api_level(%d) nor greater than "
% (board_api_level, grf_api_level, sdk_version))
return False
return True
def validate(prop_list):
"""Validate the properties.
If the value of a sysprop exceeds the max limit (91), it's an error, unless
the sysprop is a read-only one.
Checks if there is no optional prop assignments.
True if nothing is wrong.
check_pass = True
for p in prop_list.get_all_props():
if len(p.value) > PROP_VALUE_MAX and not p.name.startswith("ro."):
check_pass = False
sys.stderr.write("error: %s cannot exceed %d bytes: " %
(p.name, PROP_VALUE_MAX))
sys.stderr.write("%s (%d)\n" % (p.value, len(p.value)))
if p.is_optional():
check_pass = False
sys.stderr.write("error: found unresolved optional prop assignment:\n")
sys.stderr.write(str(p) + "\n")
return check_pass
def override_optional_props(prop_list, allow_dup=False):
"""Override a?=b with a=c, if the latter exists
Overriding is done by deleting a?=b
When there are a?=b and a?=c, then only the last one survives
When there are a=b and a=c, then it's an error.
True if the override was successful
success = True
for name in prop_list.get_all_names():
props = prop_list.get_props(name)
optional_props = [p for p in props if p.is_optional()]
overriding_props = [p for p in props if not p.is_optional()]
if len(overriding_props) > 1:
# duplicated props are allowed when the all have the same value
if all(overriding_props[0].value == p.value for p in overriding_props):
for p in optional_props:
p.delete("overridden by %s" % str(overriding_props[0]))
# or if dup is explicitly allowed for compat reason
if allow_dup:
# this could left one or more optional props unresolved.
# Convert them into non-optional because init doesn't understand ?=
# syntax
for p in optional_props:
p.optional = False
success = False
sys.stderr.write("error: found duplicate sysprop assignments:\n")
for p in overriding_props:
sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % str(p))
elif len(overriding_props) == 1:
for p in optional_props:
p.delete("overridden by %s" % str(overriding_props[0]))
if len(optional_props) > 1:
for p in optional_props[:-1]:
p.delete("overridden by %s" % str(optional_props[-1]))
# Make the last optional one as non-optional
optional_props[-1].optional = False
return success
class Prop:
def __init__(self, name, value, optional=False, comment=None):
self.name = name.strip()
self.value = value.strip()
if comment != None:
self.comments = [comment]
self.comments = []
self.optional = optional
def from_line(line):
line = line.rstrip('\n')
if line.startswith("#"):
return Prop("", "", comment=line)
elif "?=" in line:
name, value = line.split("?=", 1)
return Prop(name, value, optional=True)
elif "=" in line:
name, value = line.split("=", 1)
return Prop(name, value, optional=False)
# don't fail on invalid line
# TODO(jiyong) make this a hard error
return Prop("", "", comment=line)
def is_comment(self):
return bool(self.comments and not self.name)
def is_optional(self):
return (not self.is_comment()) and self.optional
def make_as_comment(self):
# Prepend "#" to the last line which is the prop assignment
if not self.is_comment():
assignment = str(self).rsplit("\n", 1)[-1]
self.comments.append("#" + assignment)
self.name = ""
self.value = ""
def delete(self, reason):
self.comments.append("# Removed by post_process_props.py because " + reason)
def __str__(self):
assignment = []
if not self.is_comment():
operator = "?=" if self.is_optional() else "="
assignment.append(self.name + operator + self.value)
return "\n".join(self.comments + assignment)
class PropList:
def __init__(self, filename):
with open(filename) as f:
self.props = [Prop.from_line(l)
for l in f.readlines() if l.strip() != ""]
def get_all_props(self):
return [p for p in self.props if not p.is_comment()]
def get_all_names(self):
return set([p.name for p in self.get_all_props()])
def get_props(self, name):
return [p for p in self.get_all_props() if p.name == name]
def get_value(self, name):
# Caution: only the value of the first sysprop having the name is returned.
return next((p.value for p in self.props if p.name == name), "")
def put(self, name, value):
# Note: when there is an optional prop for the name, its value isn't changed.
# Instead a new non-optional prop is appended, which will override the
# optional prop. Otherwise, the new value might be overridden by an existing
# non-optional prop of the same name.
index = next((i for i,p in enumerate(self.props)
if p.name == name and not p.is_optional()), -1)
if index == -1:
self.props.append(Prop(name, value,
comment="# Auto-added by post_process_props.py"))
"# Value overridden by post_process_props.py. Original value: %s" %
self.props[index].value = value
def write(self, filename):
with open(filename, 'w+') as f:
for p in self.props:
f.write(str(p) + "\n")
def main(argv):
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Post-process build.prop file")
parser.add_argument("--allow-dup", dest="allow_dup", action="store_true",
parser.add_argument("disallowed_keys", metavar="KEY", type=str, nargs="*")
parser.add_argument("--sdk-version", type=int, required=True)
args = parser.parse_args()
if not args.filename.endswith("/build.prop"):
sys.stderr.write("bad command line: " + str(argv) + "\n")
props = PropList(args.filename)
if not override_optional_props(props, args.allow_dup):
if not validate_grf_props(props, args.sdk_version):
if not validate(props):
# Drop any disallowed keys
for key in args.disallowed_keys:
for p in props.get_props(key):
p.delete("%s is a disallowed key" % key)
if __name__ == "__main__":