# Copyright 2021 Google LLC # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. load("//build/make/core:envsetup.rbc", _envsetup_init = "init") """Runtime functions.""" _soong_config_namespaces_key = "$SOONG_CONFIG_NAMESPACES" _dist_for_goals_key = "$dist_for_goals" def _init_globals(version_info): """Returns dict created from the runtime environment.""" globals = dict() # Environment variables for k in dir(rblf_env): globals[k] = getattr(rblf_env, k) # Variables set as var=value command line arguments for k in dir(rblf_cli): globals[k] = getattr(rblf_cli, k) globals.setdefault("PRODUCT_SOONG_NAMESPACES", []) _envsetup_init(globals, version_info) # Variables that should be defined. mandatory_vars = [ "PLATFORM_VERSION_CODENAME", "PLATFORM_VERSION", "PRODUCT_SOONG_NAMESPACES", # TODO(asmundak): do we need TARGET_ARCH? AOSP does not reference it "TARGET_BUILD_TYPE", "TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT", "TARGET_PRODUCT", ] for bv in mandatory_vars: if not bv in globals: fail(bv, " is not defined") return globals def __print_attr(attr, value): # Allow using empty strings to clear variables, but not None values if value == None: return if type(value) == "list": if _options.rearrange: value = __printvars_rearrange_list(value) if _options.format == "pretty": print(attr, "=", repr(value)) elif _options.format == "make": print(attr, ":=", " ".join(value)) elif _options.format == "pretty": print(attr, "=", repr(value)) elif _options.format == "make": # Trim all spacing to a single space print(attr, ":=", _mkstrip(value)) else: fail("bad output format", _options.format) def _printvars(state): """Prints configuration and global variables.""" (globals, cfg, globals_base) = state for attr, val in sorted(cfg.items()): __print_attr(attr, val) if _options.print_globals: print() _printglobals(globals, globals_base) def _printglobals(globals, globals_base): for attr, val in sorted(globals.items()): if attr == _soong_config_namespaces_key: __print_attr("SOONG_CONFIG_NAMESPACES", val.keys()) for nsname, nsvars in sorted(val.items()): # Define SOONG_CONFIG_ for Make, othewise # it cannot be added to .KATI_READONLY list if _options.format == "make": print("SOONG_CONFIG_" + nsname, ":=", " ".join(nsvars.keys())) for var, val in sorted(nsvars.items()): if val: __print_attr("SOONG_CONFIG_%s_%s" % (nsname, var), val) else: print("SOONG_CONFIG_%s_%s :=" % (nsname, var)) elif attr == _dist_for_goals_key: goals = [] src_dst_list = [] goal_dst_list = [] for goal_name, goal_src_dst_list in sorted(val.items()): goals.append(goal_name) for sd in sorted(goal_src_dst_list): src_dst_list.append(":".join(sd)) goal_dst_list.append(":".join((goal_name, sd[1]))) print("_all_dist_goal_output_pairs:=", " ".join(goal_dst_list)) print("_all_dist_goals:=", " ".join(goals)) print("_all_dist_src_dst_pairs:=", " ".join(src_dst_list)) elif attr not in globals_base or globals_base[attr] != val: __print_attr(attr, val) def __printvars_rearrange_list(value_list): """Rearrange value list: return only distinct elements, maybe sorted.""" seen = {item: 0 for item in value_list} return sorted(seen.keys()) if _options.rearrange == "sort" else seen.keys() def _product_configuration(top_pcm_name, top_pcm, version_info): """Creates configuration.""" # Product configuration is created by traversing product's inheritance # tree. It is traversed twice. # First, beginning with top-level module we execute a module and find # its ancestors, repeating this recursively. At the end of this phase # we get the full inheritance tree. # Second, we traverse the tree in the postfix order (i.e., visiting a # node after its ancestors) to calculate the product configuration. # # PCM means "Product Configuration Module", i.e., a Starlark file # whose body consists of a single init function. globals_base = _init_globals(version_info) globals = dict(**globals_base) config_postfix = [] # Configs in postfix order # Each PCM is represented by a quadruple of function, config, children names # and readyness (that is, the configurations from inherited PCMs have been # substituted). configs = {top_pcm_name: (top_pcm, None, [], False)} # All known PCMs stash = [] # Configs to push once their descendants are done # Stack containing PCMs to be processed. An item in the stack # is a pair of PCMs name and its height in the product inheritance tree. pcm_stack = [(top_pcm_name, 0)] pcm_count = 0 # Run it until pcm_stack is exhausted, but no more than N times for n in range(1000): if not pcm_stack: break (name, height) = pcm_stack.pop() pcm, cfg, c, _ = configs[name] # cfg is set only after PCM has been called, leverage this # to prevent calling the same PCM twice if cfg != None: continue # Push ancestors until we reach this node's height config_postfix.extend([stash.pop() for i in range(len(stash) - height)]) # Run this one, obtaining its configuration and child PCMs. if _options.trace_modules: print("%d:" % n) # Run PCM. handle = __h_new() pcm(globals, handle) # Now we know everything about this PCM, record it in 'configs'. children = __h_inherited_modules(handle) if _options.trace_modules: print(" ", " ".join(children.keys())) configs[name] = (pcm, __h_cfg(handle), children.keys(), False) pcm_count = pcm_count + 1 if len(children) == 0: # Leaf PCM goes straight to the config_postfix config_postfix.append(name) continue # Stash this PCM, process children in the sorted order stash.append(name) for child_name in sorted(children, reverse = True): if child_name not in configs: configs[child_name] = (children[child_name], None, [], False) pcm_stack.append((child_name, len(stash))) if pcm_stack: fail("Inheritance processing took too many iterations") # Flush the stash config_postfix.extend([stash.pop() for i in range(len(stash))]) if len(config_postfix) != pcm_count: fail("Ran %d modules but postfix tree has only %d entries" % (pcm_count, len(config_postfix))) if _options.trace_modules: print("\n---Postfix---") for x in config_postfix: print(" ", x) # Traverse the tree from the bottom, evaluating inherited values for pcm_name in config_postfix: pcm, cfg, children_names, ready = configs[pcm_name] # Should run if cfg == None: fail("%s: has not been run" % pcm_name) # Ready once if ready: continue # Children should be ready for child_name in children_names: if not configs[child_name][3]: fail("%s: child is not ready" % child_name) _substitute_inherited(configs, pcm_name, cfg) _percolate_inherited(configs, pcm_name, cfg, children_names) configs[pcm_name] = pcm, cfg, children_names, True return (globals, configs[top_pcm_name][1], globals_base) def _dictionary_difference(a, b): result = {} for attr, val in a.items(): if attr not in b or b[attr] != val: result[attr] = val return result def _board_configuration(board_config_init, input_variables_init): globals = {} h = __h_new() input_variables_init(globals, h) cfg_base = dict(**h[0]) globals_base = dict(**globals) board_config_init(globals, h) return (globals, _dictionary_difference(h[0], cfg_base), globals_base) def _substitute_inherited(configs, pcm_name, cfg): """Substitutes inherited values in all the attributes. When a value of an attribute is a list, some of its items may be references to a value of a same attribute in an inherited product, e.g., for a given module PRODUCT_PACKAGES can be ["foo", (submodule), "bar"] and for 'submodule' PRODUCT_PACKAGES may be ["baz"] (we use a tuple to distinguish submodule references). After the substitution the value of PRODUCT_PACKAGES for the module will become ["foo", "baz", "bar"] """ for attr, val in cfg.items(): # TODO(asmundak): should we handle single vars? if type(val) != "list": continue if attr not in _options.trace_variables: cfg[attr] = _value_expand(configs, attr, val) else: old_val = val new_val = _value_expand(configs, attr, val) if new_val != old_val: print("%s(i): %s=%s (was %s)" % (pcm_name, attr, new_val, old_val)) cfg[attr] = new_val def _value_expand(configs, attr, values_list): """Expands references to inherited values in a given list.""" result = [] expanded = {} for item in values_list: # Inherited values are 1-tuples if type(item) != "tuple": result.append(item) continue child_name = item[0] if child_name in expanded: continue expanded[child_name] = True child = configs[child_name] if not child[3]: fail("%s should be ready" % child_name) __move_items(result, child[1], attr) return result def _percolate_inherited(configs, cfg_name, cfg, children_names): """Percolates the settings that are present only in children.""" percolated_attrs = {} for child_name in children_names: child_cfg = configs[child_name][1] for attr, value in child_cfg.items(): if type(value) != "list": if attr in percolated_attrs or not attr in cfg: cfg[attr] = value percolated_attrs[attr] = True continue if attr in percolated_attrs: # We already are percolating this one, just add this list __move_items(cfg[attr], child_cfg, attr) elif not attr in cfg: percolated_attrs[attr] = True cfg[attr] = [] __move_items(cfg[attr], child_cfg, attr) for attr in _options.trace_variables: if attr in percolated_attrs: print("%s: %s^=%s" % (cfg_name, attr, cfg[attr])) def __move_items(to_list, from_cfg, attr): value = from_cfg.get(attr, []) if value: to_list.extend(value) from_cfg[attr] = [] def _indirect(pcm_name): """Returns configuration item for the inherited module.""" return (pcm_name,) def _soong_config_namespace(g, nsname): """Adds given namespace if it does not exist.""" old = g.get(_soong_config_namespaces_key, {}) if old.get(nsname): return # A value cannot be updated, so we need to create a new dictionary g[_soong_config_namespaces_key] = dict([(k,v) for k,v in old.items()] + [(nsname, {})]) def _soong_config_set(g, nsname, var, value): """Assigns the value to the variable in the namespace.""" _soong_config_namespace(g, nsname) g[_soong_config_namespaces_key][nsname][var]=value def _soong_config_append(g, nsname, var, value): """Appends to the value of the variable in the namespace.""" _soong_config_namespace(g, nsname) ns = g[_soong_config_namespaces_key][nsname] oldv = ns.get(var) if oldv == None: ns[var] = value else: ns[var] += " " + value def _soong_config_get(g, nsname, var): """Gets to the value of the variable in the namespace.""" return g.get(_soong_config_namespaces_key, {}).get(nsname, {}).get(var, None) def _abspath(path): """Provided for compatibility, to be removed later.""" return path def _addprefix(prefix, string_or_list): """Adds prefix and returns a list. If string_or_list is a list, prepends prefix to each element. Otherwise, string_or_list is considered to be a string which is split into words and then prefix is prepended to each one. Args: prefix string_or_list """ return [prefix + x for x in __words(string_or_list)] def _addsuffix(suffix, string_or_list): """Adds suffix and returns a list. If string_or_list is a list, appends suffix to each element. Otherwise, string_or_list is considered to be a string which is split into words and then suffix is appended to each one. Args: suffix string_or_list """ return [x + suffix for x in __words(string_or_list)] def __words(string_or_list): if type(string_or_list) == "list": return string_or_list return _mkstrip(string_or_list).split() # Handle manipulation functions. # A handle passed to a PCM consists of: # product attributes dict ("cfg") # inherited modules dict (maps module name to PCM) # default value list (initially empty, modified by inheriting) def __h_new(): """Constructs a handle which is passed to PCM.""" return (dict(), dict(), list()) def __h_inherited_modules(handle): """Returns PCM's inherited modules dict.""" return handle[1] def __h_cfg(handle): """Returns PCM's product configuration attributes dict. This function is also exported as rblf.cfg, and every PCM calls it at the beginning. """ return handle[0] def _setdefault(handle, attr): """If attribute has not been set, assigns default value to it. This function is exported as rblf.setdefault(). Only list attributes are initialized this way. The default value is kept in the PCM's handle. Calling inherit() updates it. """ cfg = handle[0] if cfg.get(attr) == None: cfg[attr] = list(handle[2]) return cfg[attr] def _inherit(handle, pcm_name, pcm): """Records inheritance. This function is exported as rblf.inherit, PCM calls it when a module is inherited. """ cfg, inherited, default_lv = handle inherited[pcm_name] = pcm default_lv.append(_indirect(pcm_name)) # Add inherited module reference to all configuration values for attr, val in cfg.items(): if type(val) == "list": val.append(_indirect(pcm_name)) def __base(path): """Returns basename.""" return path.rsplit("/",1)[-1] def _board_platform_in(g, string_or_list): """Returns true if board is in the list.""" board = g.get("TARGET_BOARD_PLATFORM","") if not board: return False return board in __words(string_or_list) def _board_platform_is(g, s): """True if board is the same as argument.""" return g.get("TARGET_BOARD_PLATFORM","") == s def _copy_files(l, outdir): """Generate :/item for each item.""" return ["%s:%s/%s" % (path, outdir, __base(path)) for path in __words(l)] def _copy_if_exists(path_pair): """If from file exists, returns [from:to] pair.""" value = path_pair.split(":", 2) # Check that l[0] exists return [":".join(value)] if rblf_file_exists(value[0]) else [] def _enforce_product_packages_exist(pkg_string_or_list): """Makes including non-existent modules in PRODUCT_PACKAGES an error.""" #TODO(asmundak) pass def _file_wildcard_exists(file_pattern): """Return True if there are files matching given bash pattern.""" return len(rblf_wildcard(file_pattern)) > 0 def _find_and_copy(pattern, from_dir, to_dir): """Return a copy list for the files matching the pattern.""" return sorted(["%s/%s:%s/%s" % ( from_dir, f, to_dir, f) for f in rblf_find_files(from_dir, pattern, only_files=1)]) def _filter_out(pattern, text): """Return all the words from `text' that do not match any word in `pattern'. Args: pattern: string or list of words. '%' stands for wildcard (in regex terms, '.*') text: string or list of words Return: list of words """ rex = __mk2regex(__words(pattern)) res = [] for w in __words(text): if not _regex_match(rex, w): res.append(w) return res def _filter(pattern, text): """Return all the words in `text` that match `pattern`. Args: pattern: strings of words or a list. A word can contain '%', which stands for any sequence of characters. text: string or list of words. """ rex = __mk2regex(__words(pattern)) res = [] for w in __words(text): if _regex_match(rex, w): res.append(w) return res def _notdir(paths): """Equivalent to the GNU make function $(notdir). Returns the name of the file at the end of each path in paths. """ return " ".join([__base(w) for w in __words(paths)]) def __mk2regex(words): """Returns regular expression equivalent to Make pattern.""" # TODO(asmundak): this will mishandle '\%' return "^(" + "|".join([w.replace("%", ".*", 1) for w in words if w]) + ")$" def _regex_match(regex, w): return rblf_regex(regex, w) def _require_artifacts_in_path(paths, allowed_paths): """TODO.""" pass def _require_artifacts_in_path_relaxed(paths, allowed_paths): """TODO.""" pass def _expand_wildcard(pattern): """Expands shell wildcard pattern.""" return rblf_wildcard(pattern) def _mkdist_for_goals(g, goal, src_dst_list): """Implements dist-for-goals macro.""" goals_map = g.get(_dist_for_goals_key, {}) pairs = goals_map.get(goal) if pairs == None: pairs = [] g[_dist_for_goals_key] = dict([(k,v) for k,v in goals_map.items()] + [(goal, pairs)]) for src_dst in __words(src_dst_list): pair=src_dst.split(":") if len(pair) > 2: fail(src_dst + " should be a :-separated pair") pairs.append((pair[0],pair[1] if len(pair) == 2 and pair[1] else __base(pair[0]))) g[_dist_for_goals_key][goal] = pairs def _mkerror(file, message = ""): """Prints error and stops.""" fail("%s: %s. Stop" % (file, message)) def _mkwarning(file, message = ""): """Prints warning.""" rblf_log(file, "warning", message, sep = ':') def _mk2rbc_error(loc, message): """Prints a message about conversion error and stops. If RBC_MK2RBC_CONTINUE environment variable is set, the execution will continue after the message is printed. """ if _options.mk2rbc_continue: rblf_log(loc, message, sep = ':') else: _mkerror(loc, message) def _mkinfo(file, message = ""): """Prints info.""" rblf_log(message) def __mkparse_pattern(pattern): """Parses Make's patsubst pattern.""" in_escape = False res = [] acc = "" for c in pattern.elems(): if in_escape: in_escape = False acc += c elif c == '\\': in_escape = True elif c == '%' and not res: res.append(acc) acc = '' else: acc += c if in_escape: acc += '\\' res.append(acc) return res def __mkpatsubst_word(parsed_pattern,parsed_subst, word): (before, after) = parsed_pattern if not word.startswith(before): return word if not word.endswith(after): return word if len(parsed_subst) < 2: return parsed_subst[0] return parsed_subst[0] + word[len(before):len(word) - len(after)] + parsed_subst[1] def _mkpatsubst(pattern, replacement, s): """Emulates Make's patsubst. Tokenizes `s` (unless it is already a list), and then performs a simple wildcard substitution (in other words, `foo%bar` pattern is equivalent to the regular expression `^foo(.*)bar$, and the first `%` in replacement is $1 in regex terms). """ parsed_pattern = __mkparse_pattern(pattern) words = s if type(s) == "list" else _mkstrip(s).split(" ") if len(parsed_pattern) == 1: out_words = [ replacement if x == pattern else x for x in words] else: parsed_replacement = __mkparse_pattern(replacement) out_words = [__mkpatsubst_word(parsed_pattern, parsed_replacement, x) for x in words] return out_words if type(s) == "list" else " ".join(out_words) def _mkstrip(s): """Emulates Make's strip. That is, removes string's leading and trailing whitespace characters and replaces any sequence of whitespace characters with with a single space. """ if type(s) != "string": return s result = "" was_space = False for ch in s.strip().elems(): is_space = ch.isspace() if not is_space: if was_space: result += " " result += ch was_space = is_space return result def _mksubst(old, new, s): """Emulates Make's subst. Replaces each occurence of 'old' with 'new'. If 's' is a list, applies substitution to each item. """ if type(s) == "list": return [e.replace(old, new) for e in s] return s.replace(old, new) def _product_copy_files_by_pattern(src, dest, s): """Creates a copy list. For each item in a given list, create : pair, where and are the results of applying Make-style patsubst of and respectively. E.g. the result of calling this function with ("foo/%", "bar/%", ["a", "b"]) will be ["foo/a:bar/a", "foo/b:bar/b"]. """ parsed_src = __mkparse_pattern(src) parsed_dest = __mkparse_pattern(dest) parsed_percent = ["", ""] words = s if type(s) == "list" else _mkstrip(s).split(" ") return [ __mkpatsubst_word(parsed_percent, parsed_src, x) + ":" + __mkpatsubst_word(parsed_percent, parsed_dest, x) for x in words] def __get_options(): """Returns struct containing runtime global settings.""" settings = dict( format = "pretty", print_globals = False, rearrange = "", trace_modules = False, trace_variables = [], mk2rbc_continue = False, ) for x in getattr(rblf_cli, "RBC_OUT", "").split(","): if x == "sort" or x == "unique": if settings["rearrange"]: fail("RBC_OUT: either sort or unique is allowed (and sort implies unique)") settings["rearrange"] = x elif x == "pretty" or x == "make": settings["format"] = x elif x == "global": settings["print_globals"] = True elif x != "": fail("RBC_OUT: got %s, should be one of: [pretty|make] [sort|unique]" % x) for x in getattr(rblf_cli, "RBC_DEBUG", "").split(","): if x == "!trace": settings["trace_modules"] = True elif x != "": settings["trace_variables"].append(x) if getattr(rblf_cli, "RBC_MK2RBC_CONTINUE", ""): settings["mk2rbc_continue"] = True return struct(**settings) # Settings used during debugging. _options = __get_options() rblf = struct( soong_config_namespace = _soong_config_namespace, soong_config_append = _soong_config_append, soong_config_set = _soong_config_set, soong_config_get = _soong_config_get, abspath = _abspath, addprefix = _addprefix, addsuffix = _addsuffix, board_platform_in = _board_platform_in, board_platform_is = _board_platform_is, copy_files = _copy_files, copy_if_exists = _copy_if_exists, cfg = __h_cfg, enforce_product_packages_exist = _enforce_product_packages_exist, expand_wildcard = _expand_wildcard, file_exists = rblf_file_exists, file_wildcard_exists = _file_wildcard_exists, filter = _filter, filter_out = _filter_out, find_and_copy = _find_and_copy, init_globals = _init_globals, inherit = _inherit, indirect = _indirect, mk2rbc_error = _mk2rbc_error, mkdist_for_goals = _mkdist_for_goals, mkinfo = _mkinfo, mkerror = _mkerror, mkpatsubst = _mkpatsubst, mkwarning = _mkwarning, mkstrip = _mkstrip, mksubst = _mksubst, notdir = _notdir, printvars = _printvars, printglobals = _printglobals, product_configuration = _product_configuration, board_configuration = _board_configuration, product_copy_files_by_pattern = _product_copy_files_by_pattern, require_artifacts_in_path = _require_artifacts_in_path, require_artifacts_in_path_relaxed = _require_artifacts_in_path_relaxed, setdefault = _setdefault, shell = rblf_shell, warning = _mkwarning, )