#################################### # dexpreopt support for ART # #################################### # Default to debug version to help find bugs. # Set USE_DEX2OAT_DEBUG to false for only building non-debug versions. ifeq ($(USE_DEX2OAT_DEBUG),false) DEX2OAT := $(HOST_OUT_EXECUTABLES)/dex2oat$(HOST_EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX) PATCHOAT := $(HOST_OUT_EXECUTABLES)/patchoat$(HOST_EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX) else DEX2OAT := $(HOST_OUT_EXECUTABLES)/dex2oatd$(HOST_EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX) PATCHOAT := $(HOST_OUT_EXECUTABLES)/patchoatd$(HOST_EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX) endif DEX2OAT_DEPENDENCY += $(DEX2OAT) PATCHOAT_DEPENDENCY += $(PATCHOAT) # Use the first preloaded-classes file in PRODUCT_COPY_FILES. PRELOADED_CLASSES := $(call word-colon,1,$(firstword \ $(filter %system/etc/preloaded-classes,$(PRODUCT_COPY_FILES)))) # Use the first compiled-classes file in PRODUCT_COPY_FILES. COMPILED_CLASSES := $(call word-colon,1,$(firstword \ $(filter %system/etc/compiled-classes,$(PRODUCT_COPY_FILES)))) # Use the first dirty-image-objects file in PRODUCT_COPY_FILES. DIRTY_IMAGE_OBJECTS := $(call word-colon,1,$(firstword \ $(filter %system/etc/dirty-image-objects,$(PRODUCT_COPY_FILES)))) define get-product-default-property $(strip \ $(eval _prop := $(patsubst $(1)=%,%,$(filter $(1)=%,$(PRODUCT_DEFAULT_PROPERTY_OVERRIDES))))\ $(if $(_prop),$(_prop),$(patsubst $(1)=%,%,$(filter $(1)=%,$(PRODUCT_SYSTEM_DEFAULT_PROPERTIES))))) endef DEX2OAT_IMAGE_XMS := $(call get-product-default-property,dalvik.vm.image-dex2oat-Xms) DEX2OAT_IMAGE_XMX := $(call get-product-default-property,dalvik.vm.image-dex2oat-Xmx) DEX2OAT_XMS := $(call get-product-default-property,dalvik.vm.dex2oat-Xms) DEX2OAT_XMX := $(call get-product-default-property,dalvik.vm.dex2oat-Xmx) ifeq ($(TARGET_ARCH),$(filter $(TARGET_ARCH),mips mips64)) # MIPS specific overrides. # For MIPS the ART image is loaded at a lower address. This causes issues # with the image overlapping with memory on the host cross-compiling and # building the image. We therefore limit the Xmx value. This isn't done # via a property as we want the larger Xmx value if we're running on a # MIPS device. DEX2OAT_XMX := 128m endif ######################################################################## # The full system boot classpath # Returns the path to the .odex file # $(1): the arch name. # $(2): the full path (including file name) of the corresponding .jar or .apk. define get-odex-file-path $(dir $(2))oat/$(1)/$(basename $(notdir $(2))).odex endef # Returns the full path to the installed .odex file. # This handles BOARD_USES_SYSTEM_OTHER_ODEX to install odex files into another # partition. # $(1): the arch name. # $(2): the full install path (including file name) of the corresponding .apk. ifeq ($(BOARD_USES_SYSTEM_OTHER_ODEX),true) define get-odex-installed-file-path $(if $(call install-on-system-other, $(2)), $(call get-odex-file-path,$(1),$(patsubst $(TARGET_OUT)/%,$(TARGET_OUT_SYSTEM_OTHER)/%,$(2))), $(call get-odex-file-path,$(1),$(2))) endef else get-odex-installed-file-path = $(get-odex-file-path) endif # Returns the path to the image file (such as "/system/framework//boot.art" # $(1): the arch name (such as "arm") # $(2): the image location (such as "/system/framework/boot.art") define get-image-file-path $(dir $(2))$(1)/$(notdir $(2)) endef # note we use core-libart.jar in place of core.jar for ART. LIBART_TARGET_BOOT_JARS := $(patsubst core, core-libart,$(DEXPREOPT_BOOT_JARS_MODULES)) LIBART_TARGET_BOOT_DEX_LOCATIONS := $(foreach jar,$(LIBART_TARGET_BOOT_JARS),/$(DEXPREOPT_BOOT_JAR_DIR)/$(jar).jar) LIBART_TARGET_BOOT_DEX_FILES := $(foreach jar,$(LIBART_TARGET_BOOT_JARS),$(call intermediates-dir-for,JAVA_LIBRARIES,$(jar),,COMMON)/javalib.jar) # dex preopt on the bootclasspath produces multiple files. The first dex file # is converted into to boot.art (to match the legacy assumption that boot.art # exists), and the rest are converted to boot-.art. # In addition, each .art file has an associated .oat file. LIBART_TARGET_BOOT_ART_EXTRA_FILES := $(foreach jar,$(wordlist 2,999,$(LIBART_TARGET_BOOT_JARS)),boot-$(jar).art boot-$(jar).art.rel boot-$(jar).oat boot-$(jar).vdex) LIBART_TARGET_BOOT_ART_EXTRA_FILES += boot.art.rel boot.oat boot.vdex # If we use a boot image profile. my_use_profile_for_boot_image := $(PRODUCT_USE_PROFILE_FOR_BOOT_IMAGE) ifeq (,$(my_use_profile_for_boot_image)) # If not set, set the default to true if we are not a PDK build. PDK builds # can't build the profile since they don't have frameworks/base. ifneq (true,$(TARGET_BUILD_PDK)) my_use_profile_for_boot_image := true endif endif ifeq (true,$(my_use_profile_for_boot_image)) # Location of text based profile for the boot image. my_boot_image_profile_location := $(PRODUCT_DEX_PREOPT_BOOT_IMAGE_PROFILE_LOCATION) ifeq (,$(my_boot_image_profile_location)) # If not set, use the default. my_boot_image_profile_location := frameworks/base/config/boot-image-profile.txt endif # Code to create the boot image profile, not in dex_preopt_libart_boot.mk since the profile is the same for all archs. my_out_boot_image_profile_location := $(DEXPREOPT_BOOT_JAR_DIR_FULL_PATH)/boot.prof $(my_out_boot_image_profile_location): PRIVATE_PROFILE_INPUT_LOCATION := $(my_boot_image_profile_location) $(my_out_boot_image_profile_location): $(PROFMAN) $(LIBART_TARGET_BOOT_DEX_FILES) $(my_boot_image_profile_location) @echo "target profman: $@" @mkdir -p $(dir $@) ANDROID_LOG_TAGS="*:e" $(PROFMAN) \ --create-profile-from=$(PRIVATE_PROFILE_INPUT_LOCATION) \ $(addprefix --apk=,$(LIBART_TARGET_BOOT_DEX_FILES)) \ $(addprefix --dex-location=,$(LIBART_TARGET_BOOT_DEX_LOCATIONS)) \ --reference-profile-file=$@ # We want to install the profile even if we are not using preopt since it is required to generate # the image on the device. my_installed_profile := $(TARGET_OUT)/etc/boot-image.prof $(eval $(call copy-one-file,$(my_out_boot_image_profile_location),$(my_installed_profile))) ALL_DEFAULT_INSTALLED_MODULES += $(my_installed_profile) endif my_2nd_arch_prefix := include $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/dex_preopt_libart_boot.mk ifneq ($(TARGET_TRANSLATE_2ND_ARCH),true) ifdef TARGET_2ND_ARCH my_2nd_arch_prefix := $(TARGET_2ND_ARCH_VAR_PREFIX) include $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/dex_preopt_libart_boot.mk my_2nd_arch_prefix := endif endif ######################################################################## # For a single jar or APK # $(1): the input .jar or .apk file # $(2): the output .odex file define dex2oat-one-file $(hide) rm -f $(2) $(hide) mkdir -p $(dir $(2)) $(hide) ANDROID_LOG_TAGS="*:e" $(DEX2OAT) \ --runtime-arg -Xms$(DEX2OAT_XMS) --runtime-arg -Xmx$(DEX2OAT_XMX) \ --class-loader-context=$(PRIVATE_DEX2OAT_CLASS_LOADER_CONTEXT) \ --boot-image=$(PRIVATE_DEX_PREOPT_IMAGE_LOCATION) \ --dex-file=$(1) \ --dex-location=$(PRIVATE_DEX_LOCATION) \ --oat-file=$(2) \ --android-root=$(PRODUCT_OUT)/system \ --instruction-set=$($(PRIVATE_2ND_ARCH_VAR_PREFIX)DEX2OAT_TARGET_ARCH) \ --instruction-set-variant=$($(PRIVATE_2ND_ARCH_VAR_PREFIX)DEX2OAT_TARGET_CPU_VARIANT) \ --instruction-set-features=$($(PRIVATE_2ND_ARCH_VAR_PREFIX)DEX2OAT_TARGET_INSTRUCTION_SET_FEATURES) \ --runtime-arg -Xnorelocate --compile-pic \ --no-generate-debug-info --generate-build-id \ --abort-on-hard-verifier-error \ --force-determinism \ --no-inline-from=core-oj.jar \ $(PRIVATE_DEX_PREOPT_FLAGS) \ $(PRIVATE_ART_FILE_PREOPT_FLAGS) \ $(PRIVATE_PROFILE_PREOPT_FLAGS) \ $(GLOBAL_DEXPREOPT_FLAGS) endef